"What happened? Are you okay?" Melissa asked worried as she walked in holding Olivia wrapped in a towel.

"I need your help," she panicked. "I hope you're not busy."

"I'm not busy anymore. I was just finished giving Olivia a bath. Are you okay? Did something happen?"

"Finn asked me out on a date."

"Okay um haven't you gone on a date with him before?"

"Yes but this is like a real date. Like he said he want to take me somewhere nice and come pick me up here and everything."

"Aww baby are you nervous?" Melissa teased.

"Yes! This is my first real date! Help me!"

"Okay baby calm down. When's the date?"

"Tomorrow night."

"Okay and what do you need help with?"

"I have nothing to wear!"

"Mia you have a closet full of clothes."

"But I need something new! Please mom just come shopping with me!"

"Fine, fine, let's go," she chuckled. After a few hours at the mall, Mia finally chose an outfit that wasn't too formal or too casual.

The next day, Mia was in her room finishing up when there was a knock on the door. Melissa rushed over to answer it and smiled happily when she saw Finn standing there with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. "Hello Mrs. Hiddleston. It is lovely to finally meet you. Mia has told me so many wonderful things about you."

"Well it is lovely to meet you too Finn. Please come in and please call me Melissa."

"Thank you Mrs.- uh Melissa," he smiled shyly. He followed Melissa to the living room where Tom and Daniel were sitting on the couch and Olivia was crawling around the floor. "Hello Mr. Hiddleston," he said approaching Tom with his hand held out. "It's an honor to meet you."

"Oh please drop the formalities. Call me Tom," he smiled as he shook Finn's hand.

"Hey Danny. It's good to see you again."

"You too man," Daniel said as they gave each other a fist bump. Daniel walked towards the stairs and screamed for Mia to come down.

Mia came rushing down. "Hi Finn," she smiled.

"Hi Mia. Wow you look beautiful." He brought her into a hug before handing her the flowers he was still holding. "These are for you."

"Thank you," she blushed.

"Um if you're ready then maybe we can head out."

"Yeah let's go. Bye mom! Bye dad! Bye Danny! Bye Livi!"

"Bye sweetheart!"

"Be home by 10!"

Finn led Mia to his car and opened the door for her before closing it and walking to the driver's side. They talked all the way to the restaurant and Finn made sure to quickly get out of the car to open the door for her. She was impressed with the restaurant he took her to. It was definitely a lot nicer than their usual burger place. She took notice of the little gestures he was doing for her like the flowers, opening the doors for her, and pulling out her chair for her. She knew how much of a gentleman her dad was with her mom so she really appreciated it, even if it really was just the bare minimum.

After dinner Finn drove them to a park so that they could walk around. He walked them to a bench and let Mia sit down before he sat down facing her. "Mia I uh I know we've only hung out a few times since we met but we've talked almost everyday since then. I really, really like you. So I was kind of hoping maybe you'd want to be my girlfriend?"

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