Letting it Out

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Enjoy! (OwO)/~

-Y/n's POV-

Walking into the dorms behind the others, I watched as Gina began making her way toward the kitchen.

"I'm freaking starving,"

"Too bad, Rockhead," Bakugou quickly interjected, continuing his path towards the stairs, "We're going to train before they close the gym. So go get your shit and be ready in five. You too Shitty Hair, get your ass up,"

Sitting in his spot on the couch, Kirishima leaned his head back, "Aw man, again?"

Dropping her bag on the floor next to her feet, Gina waved the blonde boy off as he disappeared up the steps, "He can be mad all he wants, I'm eating first,"

"Since when did you three start training after school?" I questioned, kicking off my shoes by the door as Kirishima stood from the couch.

"Since he realized he could basically use me and Yakatama as living targets thanks to our hardening quirks," He sighed, hand scratching behind his head as he followed Bakugou's path, "I shouldn't be complaining though, it gives me time to be able to work on my unbreakable move,"

"Y/n!" Looking towards the sound of my name, I watched as Mikoto hurried down the steps, Kirishima having to lift his leg out of the way as the younger boy ducked under it in order to get to me faster, his hands holding tightly onto a piece of paper, "Y/n! Look what Kaiko made me!"

He ran up to me, jumping in place as he held up a scribbled drawing of what looked to be Mikoto and the lizard quirked boy from his new school in hero outfits. They were each posed in a heroic stance, legs spread apart with their hands on their hips as they stood proud. Kaiko had large muscles and a hero suit that resembled All Mights, a cape flying in the wind behind him.

Mikoto was drawn beside him, only his ram horns were drawn much larger and curved. His outfit on the other hand was basic, a simple tank top and jeans, his hand holding onto a wrench, both boys having large smiles drawn on their faces.

Holding it, I bent down to Mikoto's height, looking at the differences, "Ooh, Kaiko made this?"  Nodding, Mikoto's hand reached towards the page, eager to talk about it.

"Yeah, and see! He says when he grows up, he's gonna be a super cool hero, just like All Might!" Pointing towards his drawn self, his finger gestured towards his horns first, "And when I grow up, my horns are gonna be big, and Kaiko said he'd let me make him cool hero gadgets, like jet packs and stuff!"

Hearing this, my brow furrowed in confusion, "Well don't you want to be a hero too, Koto? I thought that's what you told me," 

Shaking his head, Mikoto took his picture back, "No, I wanna be a hero for heroes," He explained, looking down at his picture, "I wanna do what those other kids in your school do and make stuff to help make quirks better. Like the girl who made your flying boots,"

"You mean, Hatsume?" I questioned, "The girl with the pink hair?"

Smiling, Mikoto's eyes widened, "Oh! I almost forgot!" Running towards the common room's coffee table, I watched the young boy switch out the drawing for a notebook, his attention focused on turning the pages as he walked back towards me, "See?"

Holding the notebook out for me, I gave it an amused stare, the pages resembling Midoriya's notebook, only instead of it being filled with heroes, it had different drawings of support items. Though some of the ideas he wrote down seemed outlandish and over-exaggerated. The blue and red crayons he used made it somewhat hard to read some of his sidenotes.

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