Get In Bitches Were Going Shopping

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We're just gonna act like my edit actually is good today XD And incase the title is too long to see it says:

Get In Bitches Were Going Shopping.

XD It seemed fitting.

-Y/n's POV-

I sighed watching as Midoriya's eyes were jabbed by our sulkng classmate, Denki who didn't pass the exam.

"I feel bad for them. If I could, I would give them all my spot to go and just take the summer classes myself," Leaning my head in my hand, I switched my gaze over towards the peppermint boy that stood beside me.

"That's very kind of you L/n," He spoke, eyes still trained onto the weeping Midoriya as Denki continued to yell.

Hearing his compliment, I cursed myself feeling the slight steam that admitted from my head, my hand moving to the back of my neck.

"Y-You think so?" Todoroki gave a nod, before the classroom door opened, signalling for Todoroki to take his seat.

"Once the bell rings you should be in your seats." Aizawa spoke. The classmates that realized their mistake, immediately took their seat, silence going over them.

Aizawa sighed, walking up to the podium "Morning. Unfortonantly, there are a few of you who did not pass your final teams. So when it comes to the training camp in the woods...everyone is going!"

I couldn't help the laugh that came out from between my lips as the four students bolted up from their seats. 

"We really get to go to camp!?"Kirishima joyed, his fist pumping in the air.

"Seriously?!" Mina asked, shaking in her seat excitedly.

"Yeah, the good news is that no one bombed the written exam. Five failed he practical...badly, Two teams of course, and then Sero failed as well."

"Dah! Crap I knew it!" Sero groaned, face palming himself, sulking. "Meineta made it to the gate but I didn't do near enough to pass."

"Allow me to explain. For the practical battles, the teachers made sure there was a way for the students to win. Otherwise, You've never would have stood a chance. We were interested in observing how you'd each work together and approach the task at hand."

"But didn't you promise that the teachers wouldn't beholding back?" Ojiro asked, his tall slightly swaying back and forth.

"That was just to get you on edge. Besidesthe training camp will be focused on building your strength. Those who failed will need those lessons the most, we were never going to separate you. That was just a logical deception we used." Aizawa smiled, watching as, once again, his students jumped up, shouting incoharently as Iida clenched his fists.

"He tricked us all! I should have ezspected this!" Shooting up from his seat Iida raised his hand. "Mr. Aizawa this is the second time you've lied to us! Aren't you afraid we'll lose faith in you?!"

"Uh, a little blunt there Tenya," Ochoko dead paned at he boy in front of her.

"That's a good point. I'll consider it. But I wasn't lying to you about everything." Shootng a look to the class, we froze, "Failure is Faliure. We've prepared extra lessons for the five of  you." I gave an epythetinc smile watching as the group sulked. "Frankly they'll be far tuffer then what you'll face at summer school."


"This is gonna be great! I'm so glad were all going together!" Ojiro spoke up, looking at his  hand book that Iida had passed out to us earlier.

"Looks like we'll be at the training camp for a full week!"

"I've gotta find a bigger suitcase," Midoriya pondered.

"Yeah I don't even have a bathing suit. Guess I'll need to buy some stuff."

Hearing Denki's words, I nodded in agreement sharing a panflit with Gina as we sat on two desks that were pushed up to one aother.Gina held onto the book, putting it in between us as we read. 

"Yeah us too, it's bee a while since the two of us went swimming huh Gina?" I asked looking over to the brunette who only smiled, nodding.

"This is gonna be so awesome!" She beamed as Mineta popped up from behind us, looking down at the book in Gina's hands, the action causing the two of us to shiver as his hand's rested o our shoulders giving them a light squeeze.

"Yeah I can get night vision goggles!" Mineta cheered as Sero yanked him off of us with his tape.

Sighing in relief, Gina and I both put our attention back onto the booklet, before Hagakura spoke up excitedly.

"Guys! since were off tomorrow and we finally finished exams I have the best idea! Why doesn't class 1-A go shopping together!?" Hearing this the class immediately matched the invisible girl happy behavior.

"Hey yeah! We've never hung out as a class before!" Denki cheered, excited to probably hang out with the Bakusquad.

"Bakugou! See you there right?" Kirishima smiled, looking to his friend as he walked away, earning a small scoff from the blonde as he continued towards the door.

"I cant think of anything more annoying." He growled hearing  small laugh from Gina.

"If you don't go I'll personally track you down and make you Bakugou. It's called a class trip for a reason." Gina smirked, her legs swinging back and forth as Bakugou walked past us.

Smiling at the two, I hopped off fro my desk, pushing it back to its original position, grabbing my stuff and making my way to Todoroki.

"Will you come Todoroki?" Midoriya asked, beating me to the peppermint boy.

I laughed, scratching my neck, "I was kind of wonderingthe same thing too,"

Looking over at my with his hetrochramia eyes, he spoke, " I visit my mom on days off, You should know that L/n,"

My eyes widened before I began shaking my hands in front of my face shaking my head. "Crap I completely forgot about that! I'm sorry Todo! Ah! I meant Todoroki!"

"You're smoking again!" Gina yelled, as she walked out the class door, laughing down the halls as I paniced once again.

"You party poopers!" Mineta yelled, once again popping up out of no where, scaring me "Don't you ever get tired of being so serious!?"

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