Flying High

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-Y/n's POV-

"Welcome to the Endeavor Agency!" Burnin greeted, her hands placed on her hips as she watched the five of us with a large cocky grin.

Jumping beside her, three men raised their hands in the air, cheering, "Call us the Flaming Side-kickers!"

"Holy whoa! The famous side-kick Burnin!" Midoriya gushed, the green flamed haired woman bending forwards, eyeing us other four U.A. students.

"First work-study for four of you, huh? We'll get you whipped into shape in no time!" Pointing a finger in our direction, she continued, "You're gonna learn a lot! This agency is totally different than the classroom you're used to!"

Looking past the four, my eyes widened slightly seeing how large of a space we were actually in, the fact that there were even more rooms within the building intimidated me a little.

"This is a gigantic operation we've got more than thirty side-kick employed!" Leaning in towards Bakugou, she grinned, "In other words, You're gonna have to work hard to shine here, sorry"

"You don't say?" Bakugou grinned, the two sharing the same imploded ego "So we'll just have to beat the pros at their own game."

"You can try," Burnin egged on, her other three coworkers turning their attention to Shoto, his hand gently holding mine.

Pro Hero Kido was the first to speak, his bandages moving as he spoke, "And Shoto, you won't get special treatment cause your the boss's kid,"

Nodding in agreement, Onima now spoke, the hero who helped us out with arresting the villains from earlier. "Just try and keep up with us if you can!"

Turning my attention to the others in the room, I noticed just how many people there were. So many of them yelling out the incoming calls they get from civilians, and others rush past us with towers of papers in hand.

"It's so loud in here," Gina grimaced, her nose scrunching up a nit.

Nodding, Midoriya agreed, "Yeah, there's so much going on," 

"It is the number one agency," Kido spoke, "Never a dull moment in these parts. We get dispatch calls, patrol jobs, not to mention events. Over a hundred different filtered through this office at any given day,"

Smacking his fist into his palm, Bakugou spoke, "Then why are we just standing around here when we could be working? I'm still ticked off that damn bird rushed in and stole my thunder!"

Furrowing his brow, Midoriya looked past Shoto and me towards Bakugou, "Wait- are you talking about Hawks?"

"You've gotta firey spirit!" Kido complimented, his shoulders falling slightly as he gestured his thumb towards Endeavors office, "But wait for Endeavor's ordered Okay?"

"You said there were over a hundred requests, right?! Send us out somewhere!" Bakugou growled, Midoriya scolding him.

"Kacchan! Please, It's our first day!"

Poking the boy in the ribs, Gina laughed, "Yeah, don't be such a baby. We've got all week to do hero stuff,"

"So, the thing is," Burnin interfered, stepping in front of us once more, "Shoto is the only one Endeavore wanted to train on his own. But don't worry! Us sidekicks will take good care of you other four!"

Pushing Gina's hands and face away from him, Bakugou yelled out, not happy about the news, "I'm here because I was told I could watch the number one hero work up close!"

"You'll still see him!" Midoriya reasoned, his hands going up in an attempt to calm the boy, "Please calm down Kacchan and maybe let Yakatama go before you explode her with your quirk," He sweatdropped, seeing as Gina struggled underneath the boy's grip.

Mending What Broke: Todoroki Shoto x ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα