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"I must have drained all my energy in that first round," I laughed nervously, as I paced on my third gym outfit of the day, Recovery Girl, of course, giving me a stern lesson on how to be more careful when in the heat of the battle, and not to prepare yourself just for the fight, but for the aftermath of it as well.

"You sure did. I couldn't heal you until after a good while of rest. Even after that you still have a few scrapes that you will need to come in for so I may heal them," Buttoning up the remaining buttons on my jacket, I gave the small woman a thankful nod.

"I will, but for right now, may I excuse myself to go see the awards? I've been dying to see what the outcomes of the festiva-" Before I could finish my request, the school nurse was quick to shoo me off.

"Go, go! I have other business to attend to anyways!" Giving Recovery Girl one last wave, I rushed down the hallway, hoping I wouldn't miss too much.

Walking out into the field where the rest of class was gathered. All Might was at the large stands holding the valued awards as a sign that the festival was coming to an end. I made my way next to Kirishima who stood there with a dopey smile on his lips.

"Oh! Hey L/n! Did you get a look at Bakugou?" He laughed slightly pointing to the raging ash blonde who shook violently on the stands.

"I'm afraid to even ask why he's acting like that," I giggled, both our attentions breaking from the conversation as All Might made his way from third place winner to second place.

"Todoroki won second?" I mused as the number one hero placed the medal around the boy's neck. I noticed how the two spoke for a moment before Todoroki's eyes made contact with mine. My cheeks grew warm, but I thought nothing of it as I gave the peppermint-colored boy two thumbs up while mouthing;

'Good job'

But before Todoroki could give any sort of response, All Might envelop him into a hug, the expression on the boy's face was one mixed with surprise, and joy, the sight of it making a smile crawl its way to my lips.

'I really wanna get closer to him...he seems so... sad for some reason.'


"Bye, Grandma! I'll be back in time for dinner!" Hearing a fumble in the kitchen, I glanced over my shoulder ducking when a frying pan came flying my way, the metal object hitting the wall with an obnoxious rattle.

"Do you have your phone!? An umbrella?! Do you know where Hikora's house is?!" Sighing, I opened the door, edging my way out of the house.

"Yes, I have my phone. And it's supposed to be sunny all day today. Now before I am late, I have to leave. Love you, Grandma! I'll pick Mikoto up from his playdate after I'm done!"

Slamming the door quickly, I made my way towards the town, every now and then checking the street signs to make sure I was on the right path. 

'If I remember correctly, it was on Garrison Avenue, but the public could have changed it due to tourists,"

Stopping suddenly, I smacked my forehead letting out an annoying whine.

"God I'm an idiot!" Taking my phone out from my back pocket, I opened up the GPS, typing;

'Japan Banking'

my destination taking abnormally longer to load than I would have liked it too.

'Why didn't I try this befo-'

"Hey, you were from the sports festival right?" Looking up from my phone, I stumbled back seeing a large pair of brown eyes staring back at me.

Holding my phone close to my chest, my face grew warm as the girl stepped closer, the distance between us even smaller than it was before.

"Your the girl with the fire quirk aren't you?" She questioned, her body now leaning into mine in anticipation.

"Um-I uh ye-"

"You are!! Oh my lord! You are so cool! The way your entire body just sorta exploded into flames! And how you basically turned that other girl's rock quirk into lava! That was amazing!" I laughed nervously, my cheeks glowing slightly pink from the praise.

"Well, thank you. I didn't think I was that cool but-"

"You were awesome! The whole time you fought you had a plan! And if it went wrong you recovered from it! It was like you expected the battles to go that way!" The girl had once again cut me off from her excitement causing my annoyance to peak a little.

"Thank you, but I'm kind of busy at the moment, so if you don't mind I-"

"No of course! You must be super busy with training to be a hero! Have a good day!"

I sweatdropped, as the girl ran past me leaving me baffled at the onesided conversation I had just received. Shaking it off, I looked back to my phone, the direction still not loading fully.

'Old piece of shit,'

Looking back up, I looked around to see If I could find anything that seemed familiar to me. As my gaze scanned the surrounding houses, I stopped at a scene in the distance. The parting in the trees giving me the feeling of nostalgia as my feet began to carry me towards the booming noises coming from the distance.

As I got closer to the noise, the more I could make out from it. Large engines. Loud beeping. People yelling directions at one another. A heavy pit dropped in my stomach as I rounded the corner, my eyes dilating as aheavy wrecking ball smashed itself into the side of the abondoned building. The chunks of cement and scrapping of metal filling my senses as the walls came down making the ground tremble.

My breathing had only slowed as the process was repeated several more times, the yellow warning tape, and a banner stating 'coming soon' in bold print, making me more than aware of what was happening.

They were taking it down.

The bank that I last saw my parents.

The bank that changed my life forever was being torn down in front of me.

And I couldn't stop it.

Mending What Broke: Todoroki Shoto x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat