Busy Mornings

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Author Note Covers A Huge Amount Of Important (Or at least how I see it) Information!

Please read and give your feedback on the information if you see fit :)

Oh my god... 0-0 I just finally looked at the manga site you all suggested for me and thank you all so much for that by the way, but... QvQ I have no idea why I can't comprehend any of it.

Like- I was reading the next part since it wasn't animated yet, and I am just so used to watching the show and then using what I hear to make the chapters, that for some reason I can't do that with the manga, it's like too much is happening for my brain to comprehend it TmT

BUT! with these next two or three chapters I have planned, I don't want to have a whole huge Hiatus after those chapters until Fall when the new season is supposed to come out, so I am attempting to come up with ways I can still make chapters, but also not fuck up the timeline. Soooo, to take care of this I'm thinking of maybe either making chapters that go with the MHA movies (Save for the newest movie seeing as I don't have it on DVD yet).

Now they would be kind of mini side chapters, and not particularly a part of the main timeline, just like the movies are. Like- they have happened but they won't be mentioned in the original storyline. It's confusing but I'm gonna figure it out.

Another Idea I had was also to create another book in general, only this one is the Fantasy AU. That way, I don't have to keep waiting for new episodes to come out cause my pea brain somehow can't translate manga into a fanfiction story. TmT

During this time, I could also make the Gina Interview/ tell-all chapters I spoke about earlier.

I apologize that this all may be confusing, and maybe even disappointing, and trust me, I am not happy about this either. That is why I am trying to come up with these solutions, seeing how this chapter ended was the last episode that class 1-A was in before the end of the episode. 

I will post the next chapter/ authors note once I understand how I am going to continue creating chapters and once I get feedback from you guys about what you all want to see. I hope you all are enjoying the book thus far, even with it being on somewhat of a Hiatus from this point on.

(God I hate using the word Hiatus, >:p)


-Y/n's POV-

"My classmates! A happy new year to you all!" Iida beamed, standing behind the teachers' podium, his hands raised high in the air as he spoke.

Boying from beside him, Momo shared the same bright smile, "Yes," Bowing down, she continued, "Happy new year everyone!"

Hands now rested on the edges of the stand, Iida gave the class a rundown of what we'd be doing, "Today's class will consist of a Practical briefing. We'll each share our accomplishments, challenges, etcetera from over the winter break," Adjusting his glasses, the lenses shined momentarily, "So comrades, it's time to suit up and head over to ground Alpha!"

As we were dismissed by our class rep, the class quickly went towards the wall to grab our hero cases, some light conversation being held between most of us as we did so.

"I can't wait till I get my updated suit," I sighed, quickly peeking inside to see my old one, "I need to start practicing my flying so I can gain more distance,"

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