In the Mirror

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Y'all I suck at editing hair TwT

Also thank you all for all the comments, I try to read all of them but sometime Wattpad is a butthole and doesn't show me some of them TmT They all make me fuzzy inside and y'all are freaking hilarious XD And I'm glad to see most of you like Gina XD I understand that some don't (Mostly because of Bakugou XDD) But that's okay! I can't make all of you like her :) I love you all so freaking much! <33

This song almost fits up exactly with this chapter and I couldn't be happier XD

-Y/n's POV-

Standing in the common room, the air was heavy. The last couple of students filling in as Aizawa spoke with All Might and a police officer by the far wall.

Standing next to me was Shouto, his attention on the group of three as I held Mikoto. His sobs now settling down into soft hiccups.

Feeling his face dig into my neck, I could already assume my school shirt was covered in tears and snot. Having not changed since school, the two small holes in the shirt were still bloodied. Putting that issue off the side, I continued to shift my weight from one foot to the other, rocking Mikoto as I gently rubbed his back. My quirk allowing me to warm up my hand trying to relax the boy.

Despite my efforts, no matter what anyone did to help the air wouldn't be letting up for a while. Gazing around the room everyone seems the be in their own little world. Some spoke softly wondering what Aizawa would say in such a situation. There is only so much someone can say when something like this happens out of the blue like that.

Everyone saw it, that much was evident. The screams were sure to be echoing through our heads, my stomach aching knowing that was the only thing on my mind at the moment.

'What else have they done to her?'

"Good, you're all here," Aizawa spoke, turning to face the lot of us. The officer and All Might standing beside him, the only one in uniform being the cop. Aizawa and All Might in casual evening wear.

He looks tired, stressed. More than he usually showed, All Might looked no better. Running a hand down his jaw, he sighed, "I'm sure you all are aware of the widespread broadcast that was just on," Looking up towards us, he scanned the room, everyone's faces were dark, not knowing how to react, " If it wasn't obvious enough already, that was your classmate Yakatama. The fact that you first years are being exposed to such a situation is unnerving, but I have no control over the matter."

Feeling my shoulder tense, my eyes began to blur, tears welling up as he spoke, my face nuzzling into Mikoto's shoulder in an attempt to calm down.

"As heroes, this will not be the last time you are exposed to things like this. You will see situations that will follow you, your whole career. It's a sad truth but in reality, you should all take this in and allow yourselves to remember this feeling." Seeing as the room stayed silent, my eyes glanced back up, everyone either looking down to their feet or towards Aizawa.

Standing off from the group was Bakugou, his hands inside his pockets as his head stayed low to the ground. His shoulders looked stiff, but getting a closer look they shook slightly, my eyes focusing back down as my stomach ached.

"Aizawa, sir?" I spoke, words failing me as it came out choked.

Turning to me, Aizawa's shoulders fell, the rest of the class and All Might following his gaze.

"What is it L/n?" His words, though still rough, held a soft tone to them. The whole situation seems as if one wrong move were to be made, everything would come crashing down at once.

Mending What Broke: Todoroki Shoto x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora