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Recently someone has reached out to me about making a few chapters or a separate book in general that are mainly about Gina's life and her love interests! Which I think is a great idea because there is a lot that I don't mention when referring to her and her interactions with others.

I would be making this into a separate book seeing as I am already dangerously close to hitting the max chapter mark (-。-;) And I would have it in a one-shot format, which would be completely new for me to do because I have never attempted a one-shot book.

In that book, I would also have Y/n in it, and will definitely make little pieces about the two being friends when they were much younger.

But all in all, I just wanted to let you know that Idea is floating around!!•ᴗ•


This chapter was a pain in my ass :D

Okay, I just wrote the ending and now I'm glad I spent a week redoing this chapter UwU.

This chapter is over 7000 words long(○□○)... didn't realize that.

Enjoy༼ಢ_ಢ༽ /~

-Hanae/Mom's  POV-

"She says she planned on asking you today, but I thought it'd be easier for the both of you if I had told you ahead of time...I wasn't sure if you had heard or not,"

Nodding her head Hanae's lips tightened into a thin line, "No, I've heard. A nurse had told me earlier but had said the Y/n already knew... I've just been waiting for her to say something," Her eyes fell to the half-filled puzzle book in her lap, "I just assumed it wasn't my place to bring it up. Baba was the one to raise them. Not me,"

In an attempt to lighten the situation the man cleared his throat, the line of questioning he had been doing for the past fifteen minutes coming to a pause as he eyed the pile of papers on his desk;

"How are things with you? Last I heard, they were running tests,"

As Hanae let out a sad sigh, the man knew it wasn't anything good, "Yeah...they all didn't have anything good to say," Nodding to herself, Hanae had come to terms with the fact the moment she had been told, "I'm afraid it's gotten to a point where what's done is done," Holding the hospital's landline close to her ear, Hanae continued to fiddle with the curling wire. Twisting the string between her fingers as her eyes stayed on the blanket covering her, "The doctors say it'll only get worse from here,"

Hearing the man sigh on the other end of the phone, Hanae let a sad smile make its way to her lips as she listened to the shuffling of papers in the background.

Though he was tired and frustrated about the situation, Hanae couldn't help but feel at ease. The knowledge that if she were to leave her kids a second time she'd leave the two in the hands of someone she trusted.

"Thank you, Shota," She spoke quietly, knowing his attention had once again turned to her despite the small amount of distance, "What you're doing for us... it means a lot,"

Hearing the woman's voice waver slightly, Aizawa kept his eyes on the missing person's report that sat on his desk. His fingers absentmindedly readjusted his cell phone as he nodded;

 "We're gonna get him, Hestia,"

 He eased, the name almost foreign to the older woman's ears;

Mending What Broke: Todoroki Shoto x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin