Hype Man

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-Y/n's POV-

Walking out of my dorm bathroom, I tiredly wiped my towel against my cheek, dropping it to my side as I lit my hair on fire letting it stay lit for a few moments before putting it out, my hair now dry as his fell past my shoulders.

Walking over my previously discarded and Udon soaked clothe, I reach to my bed, pulling my previously picked out clothes over my head, the thought of going to school in something so casual feeling a bit odd.

'I'm taking advantage of this and wearing sweatpants,' I thought, grimacing at the choice of jeans I picked prior to realizing the opportunities I had.

Turning to dig through my drawer, I paused, the photograph starring at me as I reached for my sweatpants. Sweat built up on my brow seeing my father's face. How he looked towards mom with a kind, but far-off expression. The look on her face was made with pure adoration for the man in front of her.

' "She said the last thing she ever wants to do is to see the two of you." '

His words echoed through my head.

' "The doctor's say she doesn't have long," '

Feeling my eyes gloss over, I let out a strained groan, slamming the dresser drawer closed, causing the assorted candles and picture frames resting on top of it to shake violently.

"Why should I care?" I spoke, angrily pulling on the sweatpants I pulled out, "If she wanted to see us so bad she had eight fucking years to do it," Pulling on my shoes, I grabbed my bag, still grumbling to myself as I walked out of the painfully quiet dorms.

"You can't just leave me to die in a bank, come back years later and expect a warm fucking welcome," I groped, making my way back to school, the cool fall air nipping against my exposed arms, remember that I forgot to grab the zip-up hoodie I planned to wear over the T-shirt I had chosen.

Figuring I was already too close to the school to turn back now, I opted to leave it, my mind still swirling with thoughts of my parents.

Entering U.A., I opted to keep my thoughts to myself, not wanting some kid in the hall to overhear me talking to myself like a crazy person. Stopping in front of the vending machine in the hallway, I pulled out some of the yen Shoto had given me, forcefully placing it in the machine as I scanned the options of food.

Seeing a packet of meat buns, I reached my hand out to punch in their slot number, growing once I realized my finger had smoke coming from it, my quirk overheating itself due to my current mood.

"Dammit," I grumbled, waving my hand in the air in order to cool it off, I waited a moment, taking a deep breath, expelling it through my nose. Feeling my hand cool, I quickly punched in the numbers, watching as the packet fell from its slot.

Bending down to take hold of my food, I sighed, "Well, Hound Dog's anger coping skills do come in handy sometimes," I joked, opening the packet. My mind now drifting to the memories I had with him when Nezu and Aizawa assigned me to have anger management classes with him during the time Gina had been kidnapped.

Taking a bite of the pork bun, I sighed, once again appreciating the fact that japan had hot food vending machines. Not realizing how hungry I was before, I took another bite, opening the door to 1-A, freezing in place as Aizawa called my name.

"L/n, thank you for volunteering," He announced, the class's attention now falling on me as I quickly swallowed the mouthful of food I had in my mouth.

"Y-yeah?" I questioned, choking slightly as I straightened myself out, feeling out of place due to me no longer in my school uniform.

"Pass these out to your classmates," He informed, expectantly offering up a thick stack of papers.

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