Too Quiet

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The past couple of chapters have been around 4000-5000 words and now to me 2000 words chapters look so small. O-O I remember when I thought 1000 words chapters were big.

-Y/n's POV-

Sitting beside Shoto, I watched as he and the other two boys tried catching their breaths, the cold winter night sky causing their gasps of air to become visible as it turned into a fog.

"Well, I feel like a princess," Gina grinned, happy to have been carried around all day, "Thanks for carrying me, pretty boy,"

"Ugh...would you just shut up for five minutes," Bakugou groaned, hands placed on his hips as he looked towards the sky, trying to catch his breath and ignore the girl who stood beside him.

"Oh come on! Don't you like being called pretty boy?" Gina questioned, Straightening her back as she began to sing, "Pretty boy, pretty boy, Bakugou's a pretty boy!"

"I said-" Setting off a small blasts towards the girl, Gina yelled, "Shut up!"

Looking back at Shoto, I frowned slightly seeing how worn out he seemed to be, his forearms rested on his legs, hunched over as he breathed heavily. Looking down at his hands, my frow deepened when I notice the small shake he had in them. The fatigue from running around all day getting to him.

"Sorry you had to carry me all day," I spoke, eyes glancing towards Endevore to see him and his three other sidekicks were still talking to the police about his most recent arrest. "I'll try and work on the flying tonight when we get back, I promise,"

"It's alright," Shoto said, his words a bit airy as he continued to breathe heavily.

Not saying anything, I hummed, 'I don't want him thinking I'm useless.' I thought, my eyes falling to my hands, 'I need to do something while I'm here. Not just get hauled around every place...maybe I should work on updating my hero outfit when we get back to the Agency... or maybe even go in the gymnasium and try practicing a little so that way, I at least have something to get me moving for tomorrow,'


"And then me and Eri drew the rest of the day, and now we're getting ready for bed. Me and her are gonna sleep in the pillow fort we built tonight too!"

"Oh, really? That sounds so cool," I smiled, listening as Mikoto continued to ramble on about the day he had with Mr.Aizawa and Eri. 

Letting out a small huff, I scribbled out the small sketch of a new suit design, my idea where I had a large tank on my back being far too distracting and overall a bad idea when it comes to mobility.

"Did you guys get any bad guys today?" Mikoto questioned, my eyes glancing up at my support glove, my eyes furrowed realizing that the device was a bit unorthodox.

"Yeah, we did," I hummed, testing out a new idea on how I could collect sweat, "We caught a couple actually,"

'At least Endeavore did,' I thought, frowning at the fact that we couldn't seem to keep up with the pro all day.

"Cool." Mikoto mused, pausing for a moment when he began talking to someone next to him, both their voices muffled as Mikoto couldn't keep the phone steady. "Eri wants to say hi," He quickly spoke, both his and Eri's voice now audible as he placed his phone on speaker mode. "Say hi," Mikoto whispered.

"H-hi," Eri called, a small smile stretching crossed my face, happy Mikoto had someone to talk to the whole week.

"Hi, Eri," I giggled, the young girl's voice somewhat quiet, "I heard you two made a pillow fort today, are you guys gonna sleep in it tonight?"

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