Shoe Shopping

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I watched so many Karen videos on Youtube as research for this chapter and I can still say without a doubt they are awful people O-O

-Y/n's POV-

"Mikoto, work with me here," I grumbled, attempting to push the shoe onto the smaller boy's foot as he sat on one of the small stools.

"I'm trying!" He huffed, "It's too small,"

Giving up, I sighed, dropping the shoe into my lap, Looking at the tag, I furrowed my brow in confusion, "How did you already grow out of your new ones? Didn't Grandma buy your old ones at the beginning of the school year?"

"Yeah, but I'm a growing boy and I eat my vegetables," He spoke matter of factly, his socked feet kicking back in further above the ground.

Pointing my finger at his nose, I gave him a look, "I know you did not just lie directly to my face little man," Hearing a small giggle come from him, I waved the boy off, turning to put the pair of shoes back in their box, "Now go find a pair with the next size up that you like, while I put these back,"

Jumping down from his spot on the stool, Mikoto ran past me, his socks slipping slightly on the tile floor beneath us before he quickly regained his footing.

Standing from the ground, I turned to place the box of shoes in its previous spot on a nearby shelf. Finding another pair next to it, I examined the size of the small shoes before lifting them above my head in the direction of Mikoto.

"What about these ones?" I questioned, a moment or two of silence following as I assumed the younger boy was looking over them.

"No, I don't need velcro anymore N/n, I'm a big kid now, I can tie my own shoes," He bragged, my brow furrowing slightly.

"Since when did you learn to tie your shoes?" I voiced, placing the shoe back on the shelf.

Hearing the cocky tone in his voice, he grinned, "Since Todoroki taught me,"

Looking towards the boy next to me, I gave Shoto a confused glance, his motions of shuffling through boxes of shoes coming to a stop once he caught sight.

Turning to look at me, his differing colored eyes looked at me before glancing back towards the shoes, "You were sleeping,"

Hearing the simple remark, a smile pulled to my lips, my eyes looking past Shoto towards a familiar trio, each of them with a few shopping bags in hand.

"I do not say it like that," Gina's voice spoke up, her eyes looking to Bakugou in a rather tired manner, the previously mentioned blonde looking off with a smug look.

"Like hell, you don't, Malk? Who the hell pronounces it that way? It's Milk," He continued to mock.

Scoffing, Gina's attention turned to Kirishima, the red-haired boy happily watching the two as he sipped at his slushie, "Tell him, Kiri, I do not say Milk like that!"

Hearing her say the word out loud, I too came to the realization she does in fact say Malk.

Furrowing his brow in an empathetic smile, Kirishima let out a small laugh, "Well, maybe you do say it that way a tiny bit," Pinching his fingers together to emphasize his point, Bakugou let out a loud 'Ha!'

"See! Even Shitty hair agrees with me!"

Waving the two off, Gina's eyes landed on me, making her way to us she rolled her eyes as the blonde behind her continued to mock her words.

"Are you guy's still looking for shoes?" She questioned, picking up a pair herself.

"Yeah," I sighed, "Because someone is being picky!" I huffed, Mikoto's voice pipping up from around the corner.

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