Confuse Me

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._. It's been four months. Do I remember where I left off? No. Do I remotely know what episode I'm on? Not a clue :D. All I know is, is that I completely forgot this even existed XD. BUT! I am going to still update it... I just- need to figure out how to do that a come up with a new plot cause my main one with Gina is over and now I actually need to work on the Todoroki x Reader part of this fanfiction....  (O3O)

Also if anyone is into angel numbers this is chapter 111! <3

Anyways Enjoy \(OwO)/

Future Me - :D This is crap.

-Y/n's POV-

"Can we go visit Eri now?"

"No, Mikoto." I huffed, starring down at my phone as he poked me in the cheek.

"How about now?"

"Still no."

Hearing him stomp his foot, he shook his fists in the air raising his voice at me. As he yelled, I turned facing him, watching him have his own little temper tantrum.

"Oh come on! It's not fair! There's finally another kid my age living here and I can't even see her!?"

Sweat-dropping, I continued to listen to him yell in frustration. Ever since he found out that Eri would be living with the teachers earlier this morning, it's all he's ever been talking about.

"Okay then. How about this?" I offered, the h/c haired boy stopping momentarily to listen, "We let Eri settle into her new home and let her adjust to life in the dorms. Once she's done that, then we can ask both Mr. Aizawa and Mirio if it would be okay for you and her to hang out for a bit. Is that okay?"

A small pout made its way to Mikoto's lips as he thought, his arms crossing once he came to his own conclusions on the matter, "Fine. But she better hurry up and get done. We still have to see who's gonna be the winner in our rock paper scissors tournament!"

Watching Mikoto run off up towards my dorm room, I sighed, resting my head against the back of the couch, tired from trying to distract Mikoto from Eri all day.

"S'cuse me Tokoyami!" Mikoto said, running past the bird-headed student as he let out a small sneeze.

"Uh oh!" Uraraka said, "I hope you're not sick!" Her pinkies extended as to not allow her hot chocolate to float away on her.

"I'm quite well. My mucus membranes are merely doing their job," He spoke, his words confusing Uraraka, as she hummed.

"Uh, what?"

"Oh~ Maybe's someone's talking about you!" Kaminari smiled, "Maybe you got fans? Like the ones who showed  for Yaoyorozu at the concert,"

"Don't you make fun of them Kaminari!" Momo scolded, "I'm lucky to have them!"

Taking a sip from her mug, Uraraka beamed, "Tokoyami has probably had fans for a while now! He did his work-study with Hawks, so I bet he's got some street cred,"

"No," Tokoyami sighed, "Likly not. Everything moved too fast there,"

Walking in the room, Gina rubbed a towel against her damp hair, adding into the conversation, "Well he is the fastest hero in japan," Walking behind the couch Kirishima and Bakugou sat at, Gina leaned in between the two watching Kirishima tap on his computer.

Bakugou groaned as he waved the girl off more towards Kiri, complaining about how her wet hair was dripping all over him.

As the two bickered, a knock came from the door, Iida smiled, "Our guests have arrived, let's welcome them!" He instructed, quickly opening the door for an unexpected group of heroes to walk in.

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