Your Way

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Finishing off my energy drink, I wiped my mouth clean with the back of my hand. The clock on the wall catching my attention as I tossed the can into the nearby trash can.

'Wow, it's already been a good hour and a half? I wonder who's fighting now,'

Entering the stadium bleachers, my brows furrowed in confusion as my class stared at me with appalled expressions. I gave a nervous laugh not understanding what in the world I did to earn such looks.

"Did you guys need something?" I questioned rubbing the back of my head smiling timidly.

"Why are you up here? You should be the entrance getting ready that is very unprofessional L/n," Iida stood from his spot chopping at me in shame and urgency.

"Wait what are you guys talking abou- AH! Oh my god, I'm up next!?" Looking up at the board I panicked, running back down the halls waving a farewell to my friends.

'Crap! I didn't even look to see who I was going against! Oooohh I'm so screwed!'

"Having his seemingly one-sided match, it's Todorki Shoto from the hero course!"


Stumbling out of the corridor, and out into the center field my face flushed as all eyes were on me, the deadpanned looks from both my Teacher, Grandmother, and classmates all burning holes into me at once.

"Stumbling in from her last intense fight, it's L/n Y/n who is also from the hero course! These two students have near alike quirks! Will this end up as just another arm wrestle or will this be over in the blink of an eye?"

Walking into the center of the ring, my lips curled into a smile as I faced the quiet boy just feet away from me.

"Todoroki, win this for yourself," 


Smirking at the boy's surprised expression, I lit my arm aflame aiming a punch at his stomach. He jumped back, freezing my arm to the ground he rendered it useless. Using my leg, I kicked the hunk of glass, shattering it with the heat of my arm.

"Again we are straight off into the attacks folks! These two are sure to give us an intense battle!"

"You're strong Todoroki!" I applaud, ignoring his disapproving glare. "Even without your fireside!" His paused actions giving me the opportunity to blast a wave of fire his way only for him to doge it with ease.

My composure faltered as my tough guy act faded. The realization of who I was fighting hitting me hard as a chunk of ice rushed my way shoving me towards the edge, its width too big for me to dodge out of the way. Yelping in fear I curled up into a ball my hands over my head.


-Todoroki's POV-

"Todoroki's ice wall is not one to mess around with folks! It sure it a hard obstacle to pass! Excpesally when you have limited room to move!"

Stopping his Ice along the edge of the border, Todoroki let out a small groan of annoyance seeing an orange light beginning to make its way through the ice, melting it with every step.

"Keep your eye's on your opponent Todoroki!"

His heterochromia eyes shot wide hearing Y/n's voice shouting from behind him. 

"And L/n makes it out and counter attacks!"

Using his left hand he aimed it up towards the girl that loomed above him. Before he knew what he was doing, he was pinned to the ground buy the H/c girl who hovered above him trying to shove his hands to the floor but was immediately shoved off to the side. Rolling onto his knees, Todoroki faltered seeing the girl mere inches away from the line, her body in a heavy sweat despite the cold temperature that surrounded them. 

"You can tell that Todoroki's ice attacks chipping away at L/ns stamina! The colder it is, the more energy it takes to create her flames!"

The girl let out a small laugh, standing to her feet wobbly, the action making Todorokii only now noticing the fact that her Gym jacket and shirt were gone from sight. The realization sparking something inside the boy.

'The diversion. She set her uniform on fire to create the illusion of her being in her full flame body.'

Shaking his head, Todoroki shot a small wall of ice in hopes that it would knock the girl that much further off the edge only for her to melt the ice just enough for it to do minimal damage.


Ignoring the girl's call, the dueled colored haired boy shot attack after attack. Ice emerging every which way in hopes of knocking the fire user out of bounds. She jumps out of the way of one huge ice-like mountain that attempted to freeze her or shove her out of bounds, but at this point in the match, Todoroki didn't care which came first.

 "Todoroki. Stop holding back," The girl's words echoed in the boy's mind as he abruptly stopped his actions, his eyes meeting the sad e/c ones of his classmate who smiled at him sweetly. "You have so much potential in you, but you're still holding back,"

Growling in frustration at his failed attempts to end the match, Todoroki aimed his wrist up for another attack but faltered seeing the dazed expression on her face. The way her eyes dropped every so often and how her body swayed, it was obvious to anyone what was about to happen.

Before Todoroki could bat an eyelash, the young girl fell to the ground, her hands scraping against the cement and ice, her hands raw and dirted from the fall.

As Midnight ran to the scene, checking her puls as a precaution, before calling out Todoroki's victory.

Todoroki starred down at his fallen opponent his mind spinning slightly from his battle but the only thing he could clearly recall was her words.

'You have so much potential in you, but you're still holding back.'

As Y/n was taken back to recovery Girl, Todoroki's gaze landed on a mark that, unnoticed by him, etched itself into the boy's memory. The sight raising more questions than answers.

'Who are you L/n?'

As her limp body disappeared around the corner of the halls, Todoroki turned on his heel, quietly exiting as well.

'And what are you trying to prove to me?'

Mending What Broke: Todoroki Shoto x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin