Hero Too

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I have no clue how I'm gonna do the dance scene without making it sound like one of my old middle school fanfics where I put cringy songs that characters sing. XD

Also not me writing a scene where Mineta is being borderline homophobic in one of my last chapters and then it comes out that he is cannonly a bisexual XDD

-Y/n's POV-

"We'll have to clear out of the gym soon, but we should have time to do one more run-through!" Kiri called out, himself, Koda, and Sero all watching from the gym floor, the rest of us lined up on stage.

Clapping her hands, Mina signaled all of us to start the routine, "Look alive! And one and two and three!"

Raising my arms up, I stole a glance towards Sero who had been watching Mikoto, his tape attaching onto him as the ram-horned boy did his best to pull himself away in order to run off again.

"And one and two and three! And pose!" Pointing towards Midoriya, Mina continued, "Then Aoyama goes to the center and Midoriya books it off stage,"

"On it!" The greenette acknowledged, only for the pink-haired girl to scold him.

"Midoriya, you're still lacking passion so bring. The. Fire!" With every pause she gently hit her chest with her fist, hoping to communicate the type of excitement she needed from him.

 Nodding his head, Izuku ran off stage in order to get into place, "Roger!"

"We need you up on that catwalk like yesterday!" Mina yelled, now focused on Midoriya as he took hold of the rope tied to Aoyama, "So hurry! When Ayoyama's in place, get him in the air!"

On queue, Midoriya activated his quirk lifting the french blonde above the gym floor, his smile never disappearing as he yelled "Weeee"

"That's it! Perfect!"

But before any more rehearsal steps could be taken, Hound dog had the gym doors swung open, the loud bang of them hitting the walls causing most of the class to jump in surprise.

"It's already nine O'clock! Students should have cleared out of the gym by now!" He yelled, Kirishima grumbling under his breath as Kaminari poked my side harshly.

"Yo, tell your therapist to chillax L/n," He teased, causing me to smack his hand away.

"Are you insane?! Besides he's not my therapist anymore, I've gotten over that!" I yelled, causing him and a few others to laugh.


"Wooo! I can't sleep!"

"Yeah right? I'm super excited!"

"Not so loud!" Mina warned, "People are sleeping upstairs!"

Smiling Iida looked towards Mina, "I just hope the audience will be that enthusiastic,"

Waving off her class rep, Jiro sweatdropped, "It's probably better if we don't think about it that much," Looking down at her lap, her hand gingerly rested at the collar of her shirt, playing with is anxiously, "Being embarrassed, worrying about what other's are thinking. That'll kill our vibe. We should focus on having fun! That's what really matters,"

Leaning over the couch, Kaminari pointed at the purple-haired girl, "Yeah! Says the girl who was scared of fronting the band!"

Looking over the couch, Jiro blushed, "Shut up! That was a totally different situation!"

Laughing at the two, I looked back at Aoyama and Midoriya towards one of the lunch tables. The two of them going over any of the props for the performance.

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