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Hi, welcome to crappy long chapters with your host, Me. Gina. XD My wrist hurts. and I feel like a moron for complaining about 3000 word chapters. Heres a 5397 worded chapter TmT. I'm not trying to make them long, I swear.

-Y/n's POV-

"Givin with everything that has happened, I'm glad we were able to get Class A back together," Aizawa began earning a quick remark from Sero, our teacher comment making me furrow my eyebrows.

'Not all of class A,'

"So we all got the go ahead to move on campus!" Sero mused, watching as Hagakura's clothing folded in half, her 'posture' giving off one of defeat.

"It took a lot of convincing for my parents," She sighed, Jiro, reaching up to play with her ear phone jack as she too remembered her experience.

"I was pretty concerned about mine,"

"Makes sense," Ojiro spoke out, capturing my attention. "You got the worst of the gas attack,"

"I'm glad to see the teachers got to come back too. I was afraid you wouldn't be allowed. The people at the press conference seemed pretty upset with you guys," Tsuyu spoke, her finger finding her way to her mouth as Uraraka agreed with her frog quirked friend.

'Everyone's avoiding the topic that there's still a missing student.'

"I was surprised as well. But, circumstances have changed," Aizawa began, scratching the top of his head, "Now then, I'll explain how your dorm assignments will work shortly," Clapping his hands together, the tall black haired man continued, "First however, we haven't forgotten about the provisional hero lisences that you were supposed to get during the training camp,"

"Oh, yeah! That's what we were there for,"

"So much has happened, It totally slipped my mind,"

Biting the inside of my cheek, I raised my hand, looking up at our teacher, the action causing me to have second thoughts as he called on me.

"Yes, L/n?"

'What about Gina,'

Dropping my hand hesitently, I dropped my eyes back to the ground, my mind hazing, afraid to bring up the subject, almost everyone's avoiding.

'Someone has to bring it up,'

"Uhm, nevermind...I-I forgot what I was going to ask," Feeling the concerned stares from a handful of my classmates, I felt so small underneath their gazes, the worst being the cold stare of Aizawa as he sighed, his hands finding their way to his pockets.

"As far as I'm concerned at the moment L/n, yes. If Yakatama were here, she would also be getting the same opportunity as all of you. But, givin the circumstances, all we are focused on for her now, is finding her and getting her back home with her family,"

Nodding my head, I refused to meet the eyes of my peers, theirs never leaving my slightly shaky form, as a small hand placed itself on my back, the short brown hair, causing me to look up, part of me hoping it would be Gina. But I was only met with the sad eyes of Uraraka, her sad smile enough to tell me that I had somehow messed up.

Though that thought didn't once go through the brunnete girl's mind, it had gone through mine twelve times over.

"This is important, so listen well," Aizawa continued, turning his attention back to the whole class, "Kirishima, Yayorozu, Todoroki, L/n, Midoriya, Iida. You five are the ones who broke the rules and went to rescue both Bakugou and Gina that night." Hearing our teachers harsh tone, I froze up, preparing myself for his array of harsh punishments that were to come. 

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