What's Wrong?

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Sorry if these chapters feel boring! TmT I'm trying to get through it as fast as I can, but I also want to be able to reveal some information that's I guess is 'important for the story, like details that I skimmed over, and how Gina had gotten involved with the league in the first place :) 

-Y/n's POV-

Feeling Gina's hand squeeze my own tightly, I watched as the doctor from earlier finished up yet another blood test, quickly setting the needle aside and out of Gina's site, placing a bandage on her arm.

peeling her hand from mine, she rubbed the three bandaids on her forearm, her expression plain, but her eyes tired and dull, "Sorry." She spoke up, gaining the Doctor's attention, "About hurting you earlier. I...I didn't mean to-"

"Nonsense," The man quickly brushed it aside, waving his hand as he gave the tests to the nurse who took it back to the lab, "It was a response to your recent traumas. I should have been more aware of your situation before I began my testing," He concluded, taking a seat on the rolling chair in front of us, his hand reaching behind him on the counter and taking hold of a clipboard.

Clicking his pen, he leaned back in his seat, his bandaged arm already been stitched up and cleaned, allowing him to continue on with his work.

"Now," He began, looking up towards the brunette and gesturing the end of his pen around the room, "I'm gonna have to ask you a few questions. Some of them are a bit personal, so it's up to you if you want your family, friend, and teacher to leave the room,"

Looking over to the girl, I watched as she grew uneasy, her fidgeting hands quickly reaching towards her neck as she began to scratch at it, the small healed over cuts that decorated her opening back up as she did so, the action reminding me of a certain villain.

"Oh! Sweetie," Her aunt reached, gently taking hold of Gina's wrist, pulling her palm away from her neck, "You need to be gentle," She cooed, tilting her head to examine her niece, a pity look crossing her features as she sighed, "Oh, dear look at your poor neck. It's full of scratches and bruises," Reaching her hand out, Rokuda's fingers gently touched the nape of the girl's neck, the action startling the girl as she pulled back, her eye wide with fear and her breathing slightly heavy before coming back to its original pattern.

Clearing her throat, Gina quickly sat back up, avoiding her Aunt's gaze, "Sorry,"

Growing quiet, Rokuda slowly laid back into her seat next to her husband, Aito, who laid his hand against her leg, trying his best to comfort the strawberry blonde seeing as she looked down at her hands with her eyes glazed over.

"It's up to you Ms. Yakatama," The doctor spoke up, reminding us all that Gina still had yet to answer his previous question.

"They can stay," She spoke softly, still looking down at her hands as she picked at her nails.

"Alright, now," Looking back down at his clipboard, the man crossed his legs reading off the question. "Answer all of these to the best of your ability, if you find yourself not being able to answer, we'll come back to it later, also these questions tend to be a bit, blunt to say the least," He laughed nervously, readying his pen to write her answers down, "Can you recall the details of when and how you were kidnapped?"

Seeing her legs shift, she avoided eye contact with everyone in the room, opting instead to look at a far wall, "The first time, or... the second?"

Raising a brow, the doctor grew wary, "There were multiple incidents?" Seeing her nod, I frowned slightly, "How about we start with the first time," He suggested, quickly jotting stuff down as she spoke timidly.

"It was right after I got accepted into U.A," She recalled, "It was the first day, and I was walking back home when suddenly this...this black van pulled up along the sidewalk I was on- I ignored it and tried to get home faster by cutting through the alley-"

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