Too Close For Comfort

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Sorry for all the filler chapters! I'm kinda building something up to happen, but between you and me, it's going horribly. XD Trying to get the timeline of my story to blend with the original plot, and not just pile a bunch of things on you at once is very hard TmT. I don't know if that made sense but, oh well.

Guys, I just realized how bad I am at spelling... I read your guy's comments and when I look to see what parts you guys comment on it is a 99% chance that there is about 7 typos in one sentence alone. TmT I swear that I change the ones I catch.

-Y/n's POV-

Groaning at the sound of my phones alarm, my e/c eyes opened lazily. The room still dark as I reached to turn off my phone's alarm, Mikoto's body shifting beside me as he stayed sleeping.

Rolling over on my back, I gently tapped the boys shoulder, giving him a slight shake as I did so, rubbing my eyes with my free hand.

"Come on Mikoto, we gotta get up," I yawned, sitting up from my spot on the bed, throwing Mikoto his school uniform as he whined out in annoyance, covering his head with my pillow.

"The sun's not even up yet~" He cried out, my figure moving to my dresser as I pulled out my school uniform.

"Yeah, well take it up with your school. I have to be able to get you there on time, as well as get myself back here in time for class," Hearing this, Mikoto huffed, throwing the pillow off his head dramatically as he dragged himself and his school outfit into my dorm bathroom, a smull grumble in his tone as he did so.

"Why can't I just skip?" He called, closing the door to the restroom allowing him to change.

"Because, 1: That's technically illegal, 2: Grandma would kill me if she ever found out, and 3: I couldn't if I even wanted to, because I have to go to another school and get my provisional license." Shoving the newly upgraded bionic hand into my bag, I scoured the room for anything I may need for the day, making sure to get Mikoto's bag ready for the day also, "You keep getting ready, I'm going to the kitchen to get your lunch ready," I called out, opening my dorm room door, pausing momentarily as I poked my head back in the room, "And be quiet when you come out in the halls, it's still early and I don't want you waking up my classmates,"

Walking into the Dorm's kitchen area, I quietly turned on the light. The sky outside still dark, making me a bit nervous to walk outside this early in the morning alone with a seven year old. Shaking off the thought, I reached inside the cupboards, pulling out a small paper bag, quickly filling it with whatever food wouldn't spoil by this afternoon inside. The contents mostly consisting of chips, juice, and some sort of pork bun.

 Quickly taking a stray sharpie laying on the kitchen counter, I wrote Mikoto's name on the side of the bag, shoving it into his backpack, before I heard light footsteps running down the steps and into the kitchen near me. Looking down at the horned boy, I handed him his backpack, ruffling his hair as I walked past.

"I still have to get dressed, We'll leave in a second though, so don't take off your shoes," I warned, wondering why kids had this odd habit of ripping their shoes off the second they got the chance to.

Quickly changing into my school uniform and running a comb through my hair, I threw my bag over my shoulder, closing the door to my dorm. Waving a small goodbye to the empty dorm next to mine, I walked towards a certain duled haired boy's room. Fiddling with the small purple post-it-note in my hands, I reread the message over again and again, thinking of a thousand different reasons on why it sounded stupid.

'If anyone asks, I went to drop Mikoto off at school, I should be back in time for when the bus leaves for the exam! Good luck! I'll see you soon! ;)'

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