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I hate to tell you all this but as of right now this is only phase one of three for Y/n's 'Shit hit's the fan' Arc. But don't worry, cause you'll get a revenge arc shortly after( ˘ ³˘)♥


-Y/n's POV-

"Sho you really don't have to," I tried once again watching as he kneeled down on the bathroom floor, reaching out to take hold of my foot, taking my shoe off, "It's late, you should go back to bed,"

Having made it back to my dorm room, the Shoto had made it a point to take care of the small scrape I had gotten just minutes before. Taking me to sit on the closed toilet seat as he pulled out a small aid kit from underneath the sink cabinet.

Letting his tone meet mine in a whisper, Shoto lifted the lid of the kit, eyes scanning its contents as his thumb absent-mindedly traced small circles against my ankle. Careful not to stray too close to the harsh scrape I earned slipping on the concrete ledge of the dorm's porch.

"I don't mind,"

Hearing how softly he spoke, I could feel my throat tighten. The guilt of having him help me, yet again, not settling over easily. Especially when I had yelled at him.

He was acting as if none of it had happened. Still going out of his way to help me with a small cut that wasn't even bad enough for a band-aid.

"Besides," He hummed, the antibiotic ointment he had found feeling cold against my ankle, "I'd feel better off knowing you were getting more sleep, with me, instead of tiring yourself out more than you already have,"

Towards the end, his voice held a stern undertone. Something that had caused my shoulder to stiffen slightly. Though I could feel my stomach churn, a part of me relaxed knowing he wasn't completely ignoring the subject.

Averting my puffy gaze from him, I instead looked towards my hands. Watching closely as my thumb had fallen into the center of my palm. Tracing over that spot, the cold it held did little to ease the tension that held its grip around me.

It seemed to have only gotten stronger the more time that had passed. And until a moment ago, I thought I had been doing an okay job dealing with it.

Though the more I thought about it, I realized that wasn't the case.

There were a few times my temper had seemed a lot shorter than it was before. When the others would talk about how classes were going I did have a tendency to ditch the conversation and instead find a new room to be in.

Internships weren't exactly a fun subject to listen to either.

There was that one time I had pushed Mikoto to the side trying to get away from the others. He hasn't really tried to show me whatever it was he had back then.

Feeling my arms grow heavy, my mouth felt dry. He hadn't been talking as much since then either. The only time he does seem to be doing okay is when Shoto and the others get back from class or internships.

Glancing down at him, I watched quietly as he began to wrap my ankle in a thin layer of gauze. His gentle touch sending small pinpricks down my arms as I remembered the betrayed look he held when I had pushed him away.

Comparing the look to the one held back when internships first started, and Fuyumi had invited us all to dinner. How Midoriya had told him he was a caring person, how surprised Shoto seemed to have heard something like that. Thinking of it, his split red and white hair blurred as my vision glossed over.

'Do I not say stuff like that enough?'

In an attempt to keep the emotions at bay, my eyes went back to my hands. Fingers picking at my skin feeling my jaw grow tense. The way his face had relaxed and his eyes almost glowed at the green-haired boy's words was something I had thought about for a while now.

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