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Oh my goodness, you guys are all so sweet, <33 I honestly thought it would take a bit longer to get back all my readers, but so many of you immediately jumped my last chapter, and I couldn't be more thankful <333 You guys mean the world to me, and I'm sorry this book is taking a bit but I pinkie promise that more lovey-dovey stuff will happen soon!

Shoto's kind of OOC at the end I think... Oh well, this bit was so fun to write (/u\)

Enjoy \(OwO)/

-Fuyumi's POV-

"I brought clean clothes and something to keep you warm," Fuyumi smiled, setting down her mother's garments down on the small set of cabinets, her Mother thanking her happily as she sat near the window of her hospital room.


Turning towards Rei, the eldest daughter spoke softly, "It's supposed to get kind of chilly next week,"

"That sounds nice," Rei spoke, the tender smile on her lips never fading as she watched her two older children, "I like the cold,"

"The heats never been out thing, huh?" Natsuo beamed, his hands making a jazz-like motion as he entered the room cheerfully.

Humming, Rei greeted her son, "I'm glad to see you're looking healthy,"

Pointing an accusing finger towards her younger brother, Fuyumi frowned, "Ever since he started going off to college we've stopped seeing him as much. I'm pretty sure he's got a new girl there,"

With his face flushed a bright red, and sweat on his brow, Natsuo turned towards his sister, "Aw come on sis that's not fair! I call you guys!" Waving off his sister, Natsuo turned towards Rei, sitting himself down on her hospital bed, "Anyway, you look great too Mom. I'm happy to see a smile on your face.  Any special reason?"

Letting out a small joyous laugh, Rei was quick to pull out a small stack of letters, all of them reading Shoto's name on the bottom right corners of the envelopes, "Well, Shoto has been sending me letters. He said the extra training from the provisional license is tough, but he's working hard to catch up with his friends,"

"Wow," Natsuo blinked, leaning back slightly in his spot, "Didn't know he wrote you so much,"

Walking towards the two, Fuyumi sighed, "Between living at the dorms and his training he hasn't been able to pop by nearly as much,"

Pulling out his cell phone, Natsuo called to his mother, "Hey, don't you think it's about time they'd let you get a phone? It'd be easier than writing."

Tilting her head, Rei smiled, "You're right, I'll see what the doctors say,"

"Can I see the letters?" Fuyumi asked, Rei handing them to her delicately.

"Sure, just don't tell Shoto." Smiling to herself softly, she watched as Fuyumi scanned through them, "He's been telling me a lot about this classmate of his. He seems to really like her. She's brought up in each of his letters at least once," Rei laughed quietly, her hand making its way towards her mouth, covering it slightly.

"Oh right, L/n. Yeah, Shoto has brought her to the house a few times for dinner. She's very kind, I heard that her grandmothers staying in the hospital more closer towards U.A. though."

"By the way," Natsuo spoke out, looking off to the corner of the room avoiding eye contact with his mother and sister, "Did you see? He's officially number one now,"

"Natsuo!" Fuyumi scolded, only for him to continue.

"The world doesn't know what he did to you or to us. How terribly he treated his family," Looking down towards the floor, the white-haired boy placed his arms on his legs, "It's not like he ever mentions us or anything,"

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