One Week

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I don't think yall understand how badly I wanna make a Gina x Y/n edit for the pictures I put above. XD

Not me posting this ten minutes before I have class XD


Enjoy >wO

-Y/n's POV-

Sitting at my desk, I watched as my classmates filled in the room, the news that only a handful of us knew was now gonna be shared with the others first thing this morning.

Seeing my homeroom teacher come in before the bell made me somewhat anxious, my leg beginning to bounce slightly in anticipation of how the class would react.

'Someone is bound to not like the news. I mean... as far as they know Gina betrayed them from cold blood,'

Hearing the sound of yelling, I glanced up at the door. Kirishima's fire-red hair was the first thing to capture my attention as he stumbled in, Kaminari closes behind him as Bakugou slouched behind the two, spitting out a warning for something they had done earlier.

Stuffing his hands in his pockets, my eyes widened slightly seeing his red eyes burning their way into mine before his head jerked in a small nod.

'That...was weird,' I mentally noted, quickly being pulled back into reality as a hand gently made its way onto my shoulder, squeezing it slightly as the person bent down next to me, their free hand grabbing onto the edge of my desk for support.


Smiling down at the boy, I gently rested my head on my folded arms, "Good Morning Sho," I greeted back, enjoying the slight pink that dusted his cheeks.

"What are you so worked up about?" He questioned, gesturing a hesitant finger towards my jutting leg, the act causing me to stop, laughing nervously.

"Sorry, was it bothering you?" I asked, scratching the back of my neck in embarrassment.

Shaking his head, Shoto looked up at me, his eyes lingering on my lips for a moment before speaking, "No. Just was wondering if anything was wrong. You tend to fidget when you get anxious or embarrassed," He pointed out.

"I'm fine Sho, I promise," I smiled, Aizawa turning to begin class, prompting the red and white-haired to go back to his seat.

"Settle down, class has begun," Our teacher spoke, successfully gaining the attention of everyone in the room. 

Looking up at my teacher, I watched as he momentarily made eye contact with me, his hand scratching the back of his neck, looking down at the papers he held. 

Sighing heavily, he continued, "I'm sure you all are well aware of the mission that four of your classmates were involved in, and how they, along with Mirio from the big three, saved a young girl,"

"How could we not? It's all over the news! It was pretty sweet if you ask me! Some of those action shots were awesome!" Kaminari cheered, remembering the few shots the press had gotten of the giant hole in the streets.

"Right, as I was saying," Aizawa groaned tiredly, rubbing his temples, "Another person was also recovered during the raid. Your classmate Yakatama,"

"W-wait, for real?!" Sero was the first to speak, the rest of the class growing a mixture of concern and confusion.

"I thought she was with the league? Not the Chisaki guys?" Mineta spoke, his eyes watering in fear, "Oh god- what if she comes back to finish the job?"

"First of all, she was taken," I corrected, soon being cut off from continuing as Aizawa gave me a stern look.

Raising her hand, Aizawa called on Momo, "If she was saved, then why isn't it being broadcasted on the news?"

Mending What Broke: Todoroki Shoto x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz