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"We shouldn't get caught here, so this is a good place," Gina spoke, her large duffle bag dropping to the ground with an audible 'thump'. 

Looking around the area, the two of us were secluded in a woodsy area, the part we were in though was barren of trees and grass, the land we stood on once an old farm. a ruined barn a good few yards from the dirt covered field we stood in.

"Here, Grandma packed this for you. And eat it this time, please! She almost chopped off my head the last time I brought a full dish," I begged, handing Gina a medium Tupper ware box, the contents within it nothing special but some kun pow chicken. Taking the plastic container from my hands, Gina sat it on her bag, before walking off into the woods.

"Come here and help me with this would ya!?" She hollered from the woods, raising my suspicions on what she was about to do. But before I could question further, I watched as she rolled out a full-sized log, more than likely for us to sit on. Shaking my head at her antics, I walked over to her, grabbing one end of the log, motioning for her to take the other end.

Together we both set the dead pile of wood next to our bags, sitting on top of it, Gina took the Tupper ware before chowing down on it, not bothering to grab herself a pair of chopsticks and using her fingers instead.

Taking out my own separate box, I broke a pair of chopsticks, digging int the homecooked meal my grandmother had made.

"What do you want to work on today? The sports festival is two days away, and I figured tomorrow since I have to bring Mikoto to the park, we could take a break and you could tag along with us. I know Mikoto would love it if you did come," I spoke, trying to break the slowly covering silence.

"Yeah, I guess we could do that, I'm sure my Brother won't mind as long as I'm with you," She spoke, shoving another piece of chicken in her mouth, her fingertips dirtied with the sauce, "And I guess we could work on my speed in going monster, and whatever you want to work on for the festival," 

"Well, I could use work on my fireform, I haven't done that move in a while," Nodding her head, Gina closed the now empty Tupper ware container, taking a water bottle from her bag and pouring water over her sauce ridden hand, rinsing off the annoying slime like substance.

"I'm gonna start my quirk while you finish up, okay?" Without me saying a word, Gina started up her quirk, small rocks forming around her arms and legs.

Scarfing down a couple of bites, I put away my food and took off my sweater, the cool breeze hitting my showing skin as it was exposed by the only cover of a skin-tight tank top, and a pair of knee-high leggins. Looking back to Gina's outfit I couldn't comprehend how she could show up in a pair of short shorts and a Team Rocket half top.

"You almost done?" I question, causing Gina to turn on her heal, and jump out towards me, her first raised as her arm was covered in rock.

Ducking under her fist I rolled to the side, swiping my hand to the left, a horizontal wave of flame shot Gina's way, hitting her boulder covered legs, scuffing the outer layer. Gina laughed, giving me a quizzical look.

"What is this? You said you were going into your fire form!?" She yelled, her polar opposite attitude changing with her quirk's activation. She jumped at me once more. dogging out of the way, Gina stumbled giving me enough time to act.

Squeezing my eyes as tight as I could, I focused on the noise around me, trying to split my attention between the sounds of Gina's movements, and my focus on going full flame.

Concentrating my heat source into the center of my chest, I heard Gina rise up from the ground, stumbling from the fall. Listening as she let out a low chuckle, she spoke.

"Moron! Open your eyes!" Sprinting for my form, I listened for how close Gina came. Just as I was in her reach, I opened my eyes, a white haze glossing over them, as the source of heat in my chest exploded out in all directions, causing my body to go full-fledged flame.

Gina and I clashed with a loud bang, the weight of her rock covered body, causing me to lose my balance, but it was quickly regained as Gina and I connected hands, pushing against one another we waited for the other to mess up and fall.

After a good five minutes, I caught something in the corner of my eye. my sights, unintentionally going to a dark, hooded figure in the old run down barn that sat in front t of me and behind Gina.

Noticing my distraught behavior, Gina took the opportunity to slip her hands from my grip, the sudden action causing my concentration to falter, making my fireform burn out mediately.

Gina ducked under my arms, taking me from around the waist, before lifting me off the ground and throwing me over her head.

As my body made contact with the dirt, my eyes caught an upsidedown gaze of the figure in the barn, this time accompanied by another, taller figure before the two disappeared.

"Hey? You alright?! I didn't mean to throw you that hard!" Gina worried, hovering over me as she spoke endlessly about how he didn't mean to hurt me that bad, and throwing an old blanket on top of me, my idiot self just now realizing my cloaths were now ruined and singed down to basically nothing.

"I'm fine Gina! Now go grab my bag  and turn around so I can get dressed!" Nodding at my demand, the brunette ran to grab my extra pair of clothes.

Looking back at the barn, I couldn't help but wonder why so many shadows were just now showing up out of nowhere.

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