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Wattpad is being a pain in the ass and not letting me put a picture at the top (ಠ ͜ ಠ)

Everything crapped out on me making this chapter :D Grammarly keeps giving me random ass words as corrections that don't even make sense so bare with me on this one, like you guys do with all my other, completely horrible grammar chapters. ^w^


-Y/n's POV-

With heavy eyes, I laid beside Mikoto as he slept. My hand not daring to stop the light scratches I traced on his back in case he'd wake up again.

Looking past him, my eyes settled onto my phone. The screen was dark as the alarm clock behind it shined a bright red 3:47 PM. The thoughts of calling Shoto had left me the moment I realized it had been past 2:30.

'It'd be stupid to call him now,' Looking back at Mikoto, I could feel how puffy my eyes had gotten. His weren't much better, 'Besides, he's got work studies tomorrow after classes. I can't wake him up now,'

Letting out a tired sigh, my eyes went back to the clock. Time had seem to be dragging on, and even though I felt worn out, my eyes couldn't bring themselves too close. The pounding headache I had just making time seem to move on even longer than before.

'I need to sleep,' Though the fact had been an obvious one, it was starting to feel impossible to do so. The fear of Mikoto waking up a third time crying again one of the few things keeping me from the small time warp sleep would give.

Feeling the boy shift beneath my hand, I froze. Eyes immediately going back to him as he stirred in his sleep. The moment he settled back down was when I had let out a breath of air I didn't realize I was holding.

Everything in my body felt tense. The realization that all of this was more than likely to repeat itself tomorrow only made it harder to let myself fall asleep.

Moving carefully, I once again pulled the blanket closer to me. Another cold chill ran down my neck. My fingers almost felt like ice as Mikoto didn't seem bothered by the cooler temperatures.

Looking at my hand with narrowed eyes, I sighed in irritation before continuing the small motions in order to keep Mikoto asleep.

'I have got to get my quirk working again... If I can't become a hero then what happens? We're already second years, we're gonna be graduating soon. If I don't get my quirk back to normal and find some sort of hero gig by then, Mikoto and I are gonna be out on the streets,'

Thinking to myself, my eyes widened in slight realization. The possibility only now crossing my mind 'What if...what if I die?' Swallowing the forming lump in my throat, my eyes went to Mikoto. A small seed of worry planted itself into the back of my head.

'Back when I first got into U.A. that thought seemed so...unreal. But now, everything we have left is riding on me becoming a pro. If I die before then, what happens to Mikoto?' Unknowingly, my hand had stopped on its own. A doubt I hadn't had before sneaking its way into my thoughts, 'Heroes- they die every day right? That means if I were to die, Mikoto wouldn't have anyone left to take care of him. He'd...he'd be alone. Left behind,'

Feeling a slight burn, my eyes had glossed over. My mind no longer having any idea of what I was meant to do. My dream that I was so close to achieving now seemed to be miles away from my reach.

'At this point... is it even right for me to hero?'


Sneaking his way into the dimly lit room, Shoto closed the door behind him. The gentle click of the door locking in place making his nerves spike in fear he had already woken the two up.

Mending What Broke: Todoroki Shoto x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin