VHS Tapes

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Okay, If you read my little midnigt quip on my message board about a new "Great Idea" I had for this book's plot- this chapter isn't it XD

But I do plan on posting it soon, So don't worry, I plan on putting it in the book XD

And for those of you who don't know what VHS Tapes are (I feel old explaining this and I'm only a senior) ; It works exactly like a CD, but looks like a really thin plastic brick- you know what? Just look it up XD

 Anyways! Enjoy O3O

-Y/n's POV-

Furrowing my brow, I groaned lightly feeling Mikoto kick my side as he moved around in his sleep. Opening my eyes, to sit up, I looked to the boys who laid on either side of me. Mikoto's had an angry look plastered on his face, grumbling under his breath slightly as he curled into a ball.

On my left, I could feel Shoto's hot skin gently press against my own, capturing my attention. He had been laying against his stomach, his head buried in his arms that held onto one of the many pillows that decorated my bed.

Smiling gently, I looked past him towards the small alarm clock that showed 2:09 PM. Frowning slightly, I quietly edged my way over Mikoto and off the bed. Walking silently around the bed and out of my dorm room.

Making my way towards the steps, I grew confused seeing a dim light coming from the bottom of them, and as I made my way down, the soft hum of the television told me it was somewhere in the common area.

'Maybe Denki or Sero forgot to turn it off,' I thought, mentally cringing at the thought of those freaky late-night adult infomercials I used to wake up to in the middle of the night, whenever I left the T.V. on.

Entering the main floor, I looked towards the common area, smiling slightly when I noticed a familiar brunette huddled on the far end of the couch, watching the T.V. carefully.

Making my way over to her, I hopped over the back of the couch, sitting next to her, Gina jumping in slight surprise at my sudden appearance.

"What're you watching?" I questioned, directing my attention to the screen, the light of the news shinning the room up.

"Some reporters caught a few pictures and videos of me and my brother entering the school. They only just now got enough of a story to put anything on television," Gina explained, her chin rested on her knees, her arms holding them close to her chest.

Watching the screen switch from the classic newsroom to exactly what the girl just spoke of, I rolled my eyes, watching as Mr.Aizawa had to come in and split it up.

"They can never stay out of anyone's business can they?" I groaned, causing Gina to laugh slightly.

"Yeah, watch, next thing to come up is my mom," She joked, causing me to furrow my brow.

'Why would she think her mom would be-'

"On the night of Gina Yakatama's disappearance, our news team encountered Yerzaki Yakatama. Gina Yakatama's mother. Here is what our news team captured;"

Watching the screen once again turn to a new setting, my eyes widened slightly watching the camera walking up Gina's old apartment stairs, the image of her mother forcing a large suitcase out the door, while Yerzaki and her older son, Tajima, placed his hand against it, holding it back, the two in the middle of an obvious dispute. 

Tajima harshly pulled back on the suitcase, causing his mother to tug, glaring at him harshly as he spoke, his tone too quiet for the cameras to pick up, but enough so that you could tell the two were angry.

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