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With the recent maga spoilers my plans for the next few chapters of this book seem like I'm putting salt in an opened wound. :/ I apologize in advanced XD

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of death!!

Enjoy (OwO)/~

-Y/n's POV-

Watching as my classmates make their way into the classroom, I could feel my nerves getting the better of me. Afraid that my outburst from before would somehow come back to haunt me, I peeked my head in the doorway to see Mr.Aizawa standing at his podium, looking through a stack of papers for our next lesson.

Flexing my hands, I suddenly became aware of my breathing and how hard it was to get a proper breath in.

'You have to at least tell him you figured it out,' I tried reasoning, taking a regrettable step forwards as my hands began to pick at one another.

Swallowing my pride, I made my way up to the teacher's podium sheepishly, worried about whether or not he was still mad at me from before.

"Um, Mr.Aizawa?" I called, my voice quite than I intended it to be.

Glancing away from his papers, his eyes fell on me, an entirely new kind of anxiety hitting me in a big crashing wave as I avoided making any sort of eye contact.

"I- um," Clearing my throat, I cursed myself mentally for not being able to speak clearly, "I called Endeavor and- and um, he said he'd take care of it," squeezing my fingers, I gave a hesitant look towards the classroom, somewhat relieved when no one was watching, "So, you don't have to worry about it anymore,"

For a moment he didn't say anything, just watching my movements as I tried my best to keep my gaze off of him. Sighing, he turned his focus back to his papers, tapping the edge against the wooden stand, aligning them together before speaking, "I wasn't worried, L/n. I was just making sure you understood what exactly it was your doing,"

Nodding, I hummed, eyes catching Mikoto as he was being picked up by one of Shoji's dupliarms, the young boy laughing at how much taller he was compared to everyone else.

"I'm not in trouble, am I?" I questioned, "I can still bring Mikoto to see Mom today, right?"

I didn't like this feeling, the weird weight in my stomach. It made me feel like I did something wrong and I was being scolded like a kid again.

"I never said you couldn't, L/n," Aizawa spoke, "Just make sure you're not out past curfew,"

"Alright, Thank you, Mr. Aizawa," I hummed, stepping away from the podium and making my way back to my seat.

Throwing my bag down beside my chair, I still could feel that weight in my chest. It made me feel sick.

"Hey, Ding-A-Ling, what's up?" Hearing Gina's voice, I looked up to see her holding a half-eaten candy bar.

Looking back up to her, our eyes met, the moment I realized her eyes were back to normal I felt that weighted feeling grow, not having checked on her at all today.

"Oh, crap- I'm sorry, I completely forgot about your eyes," I apologized, shoulders dropping as I laid my head in my hands not knowing how I could have forgotten something like that had happened, "God- I should have asked to see if you were fine earlier,"

"Whoa, hey don't worry about it," Gina waved, bending down in front of my desk to try and see my face, "It's not like I was dying or anything, you know?" She joked.

"Yeah but-" Being cut short, I felt something nudge my hand, the sound of crinkled plastic taking my attention away from Gina as I was met with a pack of onigiri from the vending machines.

Mending What Broke: Todoroki Shoto x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora