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Sorry for the wait guys!! <3333

-Y/n's POV-

I groaned, pushing the large piece of rock off of me, my hand coming up to my temple as I cursed from under my breath.

"What is with me and getting constantly crushed by shit?"  Looking at the damage that Shindo had created just moment before, a frown made its way to my lips. "Bet we could have avoided this mess if Shouto didn't run off," I huffed, getting on my own two feet, checking my support item for any damages.

I sighed happily, seeing the upgraded piece of equipment, the knew sensors that were placed it the top rings working just as they did before. My fingers snapping, as I tested the device, a small spark emitting from my fingers, and shooting out forwards before igniting into a small flame.

"It'll be better if i go off on my own! My quirk is too powerful to handle in big groups!" Making my voice sound deeper, and more stoic, I stood, annoyed by the heterochromia eyed boy for leaving the group. "Oh shut up. I have the same ass quirk and i still went with them. Not that you even considered asking me to come with you," I frowned, kicking a small rock from beneath my foot, the memory of Shouto running off and ignoring my calls making my heart ache slightly.

"Too slow!"

Letting out a small yelp, I dodged the small, tanned hand that reached past my face. A red ball grasped tightly in it's palm, as the rest of the attacker flew past, rolling onto the floor, as dust stirred from around them.

Quickly reaching into the small bag attached to my thigh, I pulled out one of the six balls I was given at the beginning of the exam. My eyes narrowed on an older student from another school. Her bright green eyes shined in the light as the smug look on her face clearly showed that her ego was through the roof, knowing she had caught me off guard. Her straight, dark brown hair fell down to her hips as she stood. Her eyes looking me up and down, before speaking.

"I know i've seen you on TV and all, but wow," Looking from my boots, she was quick to direct her attention back to my face, her stare locking in on my E/c eyes, "You are way hotter in person,"

"Eh!?" Staring at the girl confused, my face grew warm at the sudden compliment. "T-thanks, I guess- AH!" Turning on my heel, I quickly ducked as yet another figure appeared from above me. My eyes widening at the sudden realization that it was the same girl as before. "Two of you!?"

Looking between the two similar looking girls, I hesitantly backed up as they slowly inched forwards, the look on their faces dark, as a coy smile played on their lips. Sweat dropping, I noticed that neither of them had any exposed targets, hopefully meaning that both of them were only clones, and not somehow cheating.

Taking my chances, I reached my free hand up, aiming my palm towards the both of them before sending each of them a small blast of flames. Each figure paused in their place before steaming away, a small puddle of water left behind.

"Hey there pretty girl~" Hearing a small beep, I was quick to look down, the target that I had placed on my chest, now bright red, as the sammed, tanned hand from before held a ball against it. Suddenly feeling her presence hugging me from behind. I jerked away, jutting my leg back against her stomach to try and put some ground between the two of us.

"Shit," Looking back down at my target, I grimace seeing that I, already, was one target down. Looking back up towards the female, my eyes widened as I immediately took notice of the three targets on her body. The one placed delicately on her shoulder already bright red. "That was dirty," I yelled, quietly snapping my fingers, as two small sparks flew to either side of the girl, the flames, causing her to freeze in place, as I took the chance to throw the ball into the target on her thigh, the small buz, making a smile tug on my lips a she 'tched' in annoyance.

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