90. Don't give up on your sister

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The Dothraki army was at the front and their swords flaming to life could be seen from the wall all of them burning to life a field fire it was beautiful and glorious it empowered them. They were going to win this they had to win this. If they didn't, Odie thought back to what Catelyn had said to Robb, if they didn't win, they died, all of them. so there was no choice in the matter. They had to fight and they had to win. There was no losing. Everyone stood anxiously waiting for the enemy to attack, all you could hear was the wind whipping through the air and the ragged breaths of soldiers, the unsteady hooves in the snow.

'The night king is coming' Jon said to Daenerys, he worried for Odie and Bran, Arya, sansa... his family.

'The army of the dead are already here' she told him marching away. It was time.

As the screeching in the moaning of the army of the dead got closer everyone tighten the grips on their weapons preparing themselves for what was to come. They couldn't see anything they just heard the noise getting louder and louder and louder until finally they saw them thousands and thousands of them all charging at them killing them tearing apart limb from limb taking them down one by one. It was a stampede of white walkers as they marched past. The unsullied fought valiantly but the undead, they were outnumbered as they trampled over the unsullied army things look bleak that was until Daenerys came on her dragon blasting fire down raining fire down upon them Jon was on a dragon as well guiding it to the army of the dead burning them to pieces burning them to nothing but ash.

Jon liked the power, the control. It felt right. He sat atop his dragon, he felt the power under him. This beautiful beast, it could destroy him in the instant it took him to take a single breath, yet here he sat. commanding it, guiding it, as though the dragon knew who he was, that the dragon could sense it in his blood.

'Go down to the crypts' arya told Sansa

'I am not abandoning my people!' sansa told her but she was terrified

'Take this and go!' Arya demanded shoving a dagger into her hands

'I don't know how to use it...' sansa said gripping it tight.

'Stab them with the pointy end.' Arya told her smugly.

'you ready Bran?' Odie looked him over as Theon and his Iron born got him ready.

'I am.' He agreed. 'don't worry Detta.' Bran told her grabbing her hand. 'everything is going to be as it should.' He assured her. 'Go, Detta. Protect the gates, look after Arya.' Bran told her.

"Keep him safe.' Odie demanded Theon, he nodded swallowing the lump in his throat as Odie glared back at him before pressing a kiss to Brans head. 'I feel like I should be with you.' Odie said.

'you are right where you are meant to be.' Bran told her.

'Don't let him near Bran.' Odie demanded again to Theon.

'I will protect him with my life.' Theon told her as Odie marched up to him.

'You promised Robb you would fight for him, protect him and defend him til the day you died. You will forgive me if I am not as quick to forgive you as everyone else.' Odie told him through clenched teeth.

'I am truly-'

'Keep Bran safe and I never bring it up again.' Odie told him. He nodded as she moved back to Bran.

'Mother Wolf.' Bran told her with her smirk.

'For you? Always.' Odie said kissing his head again.

'And forever.' Bran added as he was rolled away.

Duty or Desire // Jon Snow // Robb StarkOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant