45. Walder Frey

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'Walder Frey is a dangerous man to cross.'

'We already crossed him it is not my fault that word has gotten out to him... you were the one that lied to him first, agreed to this.' Robb reminded his mother.

'You know, you and Odetta are lucky. You love each other when your father met me he did not love me he barely even knew me. Love didn't just happen to us we felt it slowly over the years, stone by stone for you, for your brothers and sisters for all of us,' Cat told him 'but I suppose it was similar to you and Odetta except you got to fall in love with her before you said I do.'

'You know you were arguing just to argue.' Robb told her

'But you agreed to it.'

'Full well knowing that I was already married and that I wasn't going to marry anyone else. I did it to get the bridge we are thinking of a new solution in fact Odetta already thought of a new solution to our problem.' Robb told her. 'I don't know that Frey is going to like it though.'


There was something so peaceful about odettas laugh. Robb pulled her closer as Grey lay at their feet.

'I swear tyrion slapped joffrey in the face at least three times!' Odie recalled smiling into Robb. 'It was hilarious even sandor cracked a smile and he doesn't smile for anything except me.'

'Well its damn near impossible to not smile around you Odetta.' Robb told her.

Castor listened from the tents opening he didn't understand why their king would make a deal with lord frey over her. But the way Robb smiled and laughed with her. It was how castor had felt with his wife. His own children. He knew that they would have to find another way to get the bridge.

'Grey come here baby.' Odie pat the spot between them and Robb raised a hand stopping Grey. 'What? I'm cold. Grey is nice and soft.'

'I'll warm you up.' Robb assured. Robb had the remarkable ability of making Odie forget everything else when they were together.


'We should set a siege right outside of Harrenhal.'

'We should not set a siege, the mountain cannot defend against an army.' Robb told him

'The mountain will defend whatever Tywin Lannister tells him to defend.' His commander countered.

'The Lannister's have been running from us for months. I want to fight, the men will give a fight I don't think we are going to get one.' Robb declared and had his troops headed out once more, but they were going home this time.

When they made it to Winterfell it was a massacre of dead bodies and dead horses laying amongst the courtyard.

'200 Northman slaughter like sheep.'

'The dead will be repaid my friend, for them and for your sons.' Robb assured. Odie felt sick. The smell of the rotting corpses usually didn't bother her this much but she suddenly felt very nauseous.

'They rot in the ground when their killer runs free!' Castor shouted, glaring at Catelyn.

'The king slayer won't run free for long, he has hunters after him.' Robb remained speechless walking amongst his home.

'Ser Jeremy, my father's Bannerman.' Catelyn noted a blade through his heart, a tully banner trapped between the blade and his body.

'Find her a chamber that will serve as a cell.' Robb instructed and his mother was led away

'She's your mother my love.' Odie reminded him.

'She freed Jamie Lannister.' Robb reminded her, 'the Lannister robbed them of their lives and she robbed them of their justice.' 

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