59. Jon Snow is...

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That night while reading messages at Jon's desk Olly came running in. Jon looked up from his work, expecting it to be one of the commanders.

'Lord Commander it's one of the wildlings you brought back he says your uncle Benjen is still alive.' Olly said and Jon stood up quickly

'Are you sure he's talking about Ranger Benjen?' jon questioned

'He said he was first ranger, he said he knows where to find him.' Olly he said and Jon rushed past him heading down the steps

'The lad said he saw your uncle the last full moon.' thorne told him 'could be lying there are ways to find out.'

'Where is he?' Jon questioned

'Over there.' Jon look to a circle of men of the nights watch he made his way to the middle. Only to see a grave for Jon Snow his name painted in the wood he turned back around but Thorne stabbed him

'For the watch.' he said one by one the men came up stabbing Jon.

'For the watch,' they spoke in his ear stab after stab Jon tried his best to stay upright as pain seeped through him but he fell to his knees before his tormentors Olly stepped forward. Olly was nervous and scared, Jon looked him pleadingly gasping for breath.

'Olly...' Jon pleaded olly took a sharp breath before he stabbed Jon in the heart.

'For the watch.' Olly said and the light drained from Jon's eyes as he crumbled back into the snow. His blood tainting the white snow red. Ghosts howl echoed in the night as if sensing his masters death.


'My name is odetta St- Clegane.' She said when a few of the nights watch opened the gate. 'I'm lo-looking for jon snow.'

'I'm sorry little lady jon is dead.' Odie couldn't process that, she just blinked up at him, her breath caught in her cehst. He said it again, 'little lady jon snow is dead.' She crumbled in a heap on the ground. Everyone. Everyone she loved she was gone.

'No, no, no, no,' she cried out, her face in her hands, her sobs shaking her.

'Why don't you come in. Warm up.' The man suggested.

'Is jon here? Can i say go-goodbye?' Odie questioned as the man helped her up.

'Yeah he's here. Sure thing little lady. You a friend of his?'

'I was.' She agreed pathetically. She felt her knees go out as she entered jons room. He lay pale and breathless on the table she collapsed again holding onto the table for support.

'No, no, no, jon...' she sobbed her eyes filled with so many tears she couldn't see straight. Ghost came running up to her nuzzling her legs. 'Ghost!' Odie clung to the wolf. 'Oh hi baby you're still okay.' She ran her hands over his fur kissing his soft head. 'I'm going to take care of you. You don't have to be a-a-lone.' Odie told him, he let out a sad howl. 'I know ghost.' She looked back up to jon running a hand through his thick black hair. 'I miss him too.' She stood using the table for support and rested her cheek on jons cold chest.

'This isn't how it was supposed to be.' she muttered. 'None of this.' Odie pressed a kiss to his head when she heard people enter jons room. She stood up straight and ghost stood protectively next to her.

'I'm just saying you could try.' davos told the woman

'He is dead.'

'You have done it before though!' Davos reminded her. 'What's one more try? Bring him back-' Then they noticed odie standing in front of jon her nose red and eyes puffy a frown adorned on her face.

'Who are you?' The red woman asked

'Odetta Clegane. Jon was my friend.' Odie told them.

'You mean odetta stark.' The red woman countered. Odie looked down sadness filling her for both men she had lost. 'I heard a rumor that you were killed at the wedding. I thought it true. Everyone said the king of the north's pregnant wife was dead.' The red woman looked down to odies stomach. 'No baby and here you are.'

'I lost the baby .' Odie snapped, 'Not that it is any of your concern but Robb didn't want me to travel after the trauma of losing a child. They went and died. A man came and tried to kill me. Finish the job...' Odie stared confidently at the woman, if she thought odie a breakable little thing, she was wrong. 'He lost that fight.' Odie informed her.

'And now you are here. With jon snow.' The red woman told her

'Jon was my friend. I didn't want to be alone in this world. I thought it would be safer with... him.' Odie told her sadly.

'And he is dead too.' The red woman spoke so matter of factly with no care or concern at all. Odie wondered how this woman came to be here. What her goal was because helping out of the goodness of her heart didn't seem like her style.

'You can bring him?' Odie questioned, 'is that what I heard your friend say?' odie nodded to Davos.

'I might.'

'How!' Odie demanded.

'By the lord of light of course.' The red woman told her. 'Only by his grace do we get to live.'

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