75. Clegane Trifecta

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'Ever been north before?' Jon asked Gendry as he shook uncontrollably.

'I've never seen snow before' Gendry reminded him.

'How did you get up here? Did you get your balls frozen off?' tormond questioned. They walked and walked and walked and tormond liked to talk.

'You know there is not a woman within a hundred miles of here except that gorgeous creature right there.' Tormund said looking around the vacant snowy land.

'Probably not another living person within a few hundred miles as well!' Jon called back to them.

'We gotta make do with what we got' Tormond said grinning up at a Odetta, she clung to Sandor a smile on her face as they walked. 'This one's maybe not so smart' tormond said looking to a frozen gendry as he fell behind.

'Davvos says he's a good fighter' jon told him

'Good smart people don't make these stupid hikes in the middle of nowhere' tormond said laughing 'So this dragon queen...'

'She wants me to bend the knee'

'You spend too much time with the free people and now you don't bend the knee... the king on the wall never bent the knee and how many of his people died for his pride?' tormond questioned


'You still mad at us boy' thoros asked gendry as he trudged along.

'You sold me to a witch' he reminded them. That wasn't something you just let go.

'To a priestess' Thoros corrected. 'I will admit there is a fine distinction.' Thoros admitted.

'You sold me!' gendry told them.

'We were in a war and was cost money' Beric told him.

'I wanted to join the brotherhood and you sold me off like a slave! do you know what she did to me? she strapped me down on the bed stripped me naked-'

'Doesn't sound so bad' Sandor said grinning, Odie rolled her eyes.

"Men,' she muttered, sandor chuckled hugging odie to him as they walked.

'she put leeches on me!' gendry went on

'Was she naked too?' sandor questioned

'While she drained you of your blood?' beric asked.

'Yes, but She wanted to kill me!' gendry exclaimed.

'But she didn't so what are you bitching about?' sandor said and gendry looked at him appalled as if being sold and almost killed, sucked of your blood was no big deal.

'I'm not bitching.' Gendry informed him.

"Your lips are moving and you're complaining, stop bitching about it, you're alive. This one has been killed 6 times and you don't hear him bitching about it.' Sandor told him marching away. thoros offered gendry a drink he took it, before the continued on their way. A peace offer of sorts.

'good lad.' Thoros said marching ahead.

'Wait you died 6 times?' Odie questioned, releasing Sandors hand.

'Ignore them.' Sandor told her. 'I try to.'

'Jon came back.' Odie told him. 'After Robb... when I got to the wall,' she said clearing her throat. 'I found out that jon had been killed. A red woman brought him back. Said something about the lord of light-'

'That's right!' Beric said wrapping an arm around her shoulders opposite of sandor, sandor growled at the man. 'The lord of light.' Beric said happily. 'he has a purpose for Jon, same as me.'

'You died and came back 6 times?' odie asked again.

'By both of your brothers as well.' Beric told her, a smile pulled at sandor lips at the memory.

'still a better fighter than you Beric. I'm sure Odie could take you as well... maybe if you had half the skills my Odie did you wouldn't have to be brought back so often.' Sandor informed him.

'How did you die?' odie questioned. 'each time?'

'Ignore them!" Sandor grumbled. She just shrugged up at her brother.

'Impaled through the chest with a lance, by Gregor Clegane, during the Battle at the Mummer's Ford.' Thoros told her running up to them.

''the mountain. Big fucking guy. but you know that.' Beric told her.

'I do, ive gone up against him, sandor usually had to rescue me.' Odie admitted.

'So the hound has a heart after all?' Thoros teased.

'Knifed in the belly.' Berics hands went to his stomach. 'that was the second.'

'Shot in the back with an arrow.' Thoros reminded.

'An axe driven into my side.' Again Berics hands moved, his fingers feeling the scars under his coats.

'Captured by Lannister soldiers,' thoros said shaking his head. 'those fuckers.'

'Amen!' Odie agreed.

'they executed him for treason –' thoros went on

'but those cunt were unable to decide whether to hang me or stick a dagger through my eye, they just did both.' Beric said with a laugh.

'and the hound makes six.'

'second time ive been killed by a Clegane.' Beric said.

'Maybe I will kill you and you can have the Clegane trifecta!' Odie teased.

'HA! You hear that Beric?' Sandor laughed openly, pulling odie away from Beric and thoros.

'I am just joking, of course.' Odie told him, but not entirely convinced Beric took a step back letting the Clegane siblings get farther away. 

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