Little Man

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Each night and each day brought them closer to Sandor leaving, to Jon leaving and Odie felt her heart breaking.

'I came to say goodbye to Bran.' Jon said coming in, seeing Catelyn crying over Bran. She barely left his side.

'You've said it.' Catelyn said annoyed as Jon approached the bed

'I wish I could be here when you wake up.' he told a sleeping bran 'I'm going north with uncle Benjen I'm taking the black...' Catelyn looked up to him with teary eyes not for Jon but for her son. Jon knelt before Bran, 'I know we always talked about seeing the wall together but you will be able to come and visit me at Castle Black when you're better I'll know my way around by then I will be a sworn brother of the nights watch. We can go out walking beyond the wall if you're not afraid.' Jon added.

'I want you to leave.' Catelyn said through clenched teeth they both looked at the door to see Ned. Jon got up and pressed a kiss to Brans forehead before heading out Ned close the door behind Jon. Ned approached his wife taking slow steps before sitting down next to her.

'17 years ago you rode off with Robert Baratheon, you came back a year later with another woman's son and now you're leaving again!' cat told him exasperatedly.

'I have no choice.' Ned told her

'That's what they always say, all our goals but that's what you tell your family, tell your son... you do have a choice.' cat told him 'and you've made it.'

'Cat-' he said reaching her but she pushed him away

'I can't do it.' she told him 'I really can't'

'You can, you must.' he told her before heading out himself


'Mother was looking for you. We ride for Kings Landing today.' Joffrey told Tyrion, sandor told a dutiful servant behind Joffrey.

'Before you go you will call upon the Lord and Lady Stark and offer them your deepest sympathies' Tyrion told him

'What good are my sympathies?' Joffrey sneered.

'None but it is expected of you, your absences already been noted.' Tyrion told him.

'The boy means nothing to me and I can't stand the wailing of women-' tyrion slapped him across the face.

'One word and I hit you again' Tyrion threatened.

'I'm telling mother!' so Tyrion hit him again. Odie heard a distinct slap followed by a whine followed by another slap and she was intrigued. Tyrion. A smile crept on her face, she looked to her brother, a smirk pulled at his own lips. Joffrey shouted enraged his cheek red from tyrion slapping him.

'Go. Tell her, but first you will go to lady and lord stark fall upon your knees in front of them and tell them you are very sorry that you are at their service and all your prayers are with them. Do you understand?' Tyrion instructed.

'You can't!' Joffrey cried out and Tyrion slapped him again

'Do you understand?' Joffrey stormed off

Odetta watched open mouthed as tyrion slapped joffrey repeatedly in the face. Joffrey stormed off and tyrion turned to odetta.

'Sorry about that little lady.' Tyrion told her patting down his shirt, composing himself.

'No that was quite the show, little man.' odetta countered tapping his head before kissing Sandor's cheek and running off.

'Your sister-' tyrion began

'Don't fucking look at her.' sandor barked. 'Your eyes are for decoration around Odetta!'

'Right of course.' but that only made tyrions eyes follow her more. 

Duty or Desire // Jon Snow // Robb StarkWhere stories live. Discover now