60. Actually

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'You don't want to kill him.' Davos said as the red woman prepared.

'Yes i do. Lots of people. All the time actually, I just don't do it.' Odie told them.

'Little Clegane... vicious like her brothers I see.' The red woman noted.

'I'm just as dangerous.' Odie warned.

'who else you want dead?'

'Thorne and his men are my first mission,' she warned. 'walder frey. Edmure Tully. Cersei Lannister, Jaime too. I want everyone that hurt my family to suffer as I have suffered.' Odie told them. 'now can you bring him back?' odie sobbed.

The red woman began the ritual. Odie bit nervously at her nails as the red woman took her time cleansing jons body. Odie's heel bouncing off the floor, nervously as they waited. Ghost sat at her feet, his tail wagging slightly between her legs.

Melisandre performed a ritual with Jon's body: cleaning his wounds, cutting some of his hair, trimming his beard, and burning it in the fire, all while chanting in High Valyrian. Odie watched, it felt like forever. She couldn't breathe. She had come all this way for jon... he couldn't. he couldn't...

The red woman cleaned Jon's wounds delicately and gently with lots of care dragging the cloth across his body. The red woman started chanting a prayer cutting a piece of Jon's hair and throwing it into the fire. Odie watched silently as she worked she kept praying as the red woman poured water over his hair it's soaked down to the floor that she ran her hands through his hair.

Odie felt like she couldn't breathe as she watched and waited for a miracle to happen from a God she did not believe in. The red woman put her hands on Jon's chest continuing her prayer she pulled her hands away nothing happened she put them back down on his chest repeating the prayer again. Again and again she said the prayer moving your hands and putting them back on 5 times, 6 times 7 times, she kept going uselessly.

'Please' the red woman murmured but Jon still did not move. Her attempts seemed to be in vain. She dragged her hands away from his body giving up everyone stared at Jon still speechless. Tormund scoffed turning away storming out. One by one they left Jon alone, all except Odie. Odie ran a gentle finger down his cheek before she moved to ghost he whined looking to Jon.

'I know honey... I'm sorry.' Odie said kneeling before a ghost she pet between his ears looking back to Jon... 'Jon... I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't here for you. I'm sorry this world is so screwed up... I hope you are in a better place.' Odie let out a pained breath. 'I wish you and me got a chance to be an us.' Odie told him. 'I wish the world wasn't in ruins and I wish you were here to hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay... because Jon... Jon I'm so lost. I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't... I don't know Jon...' she cried over him holding tight to him. 'Please...' she whispered. 'Don't be gone... I need you.' Odie felt jon shift under her as a gasp escaped Jon's lips. Odie shot up looking down at him blinking back up at her.

'JON!' Odie shouted hugging him again, he wrapped his arms around her, slowly as he didn't know what was happening, he didn't understand what was going on. 'Jon.' Odie sobbed into him. He hugged her tighter, maybe this was heaven. But it felt like Odetta. She ran her hands along his face and down his shoulders. 'You are alive.' She whispered.

'Odetta?' Jon questioned not believing his eyes.

'jon...' she helped him sit up, brushing the tears from her eyes. 'you were just... You were just dead.'

'when did you... I thought...' He struggled to compose himself. Odie clung to him. 'You're alive?' he questioned. 'I thought you were...' he hugged her tight as she cried into him. 'How did you get here?' jon questioned wiping the tears from her cheeks only for more tears, happy tears to fall down her cheeks.

'I ran...'

'I thought you were dead. Everyone said that Robbs... wife-'

'Robb and Catelyn went to the Twins. Walder Frey and Edmure no doubt betrayed them to the lannisters. Killed them.' odie told him helping him down from the table.

'But everyone said that you-'

'I stayed behind.' Odie said vaguely.

'They all said that Robbs wife was dead.' Jon told her. 'were you not-'

'I was.' She told him, shrugging off her cloak and wrapping it around Jon.

'Then... what happened?' Jon questioned.

'They sent an assassin after me.' Odie told him softly. 'I think they underestimated me, Cleganes are no weaklings.' Odie reminded him. 'I'm so glad you are alive.' Odie hugged him again. She wasn't entirely sure she wasn't dreaming. 'I came here... I thought being with you would be safer but then....' she let silent tears fall down her face as jon ran a hand through her hair, breathing her in. 'I want them all dead. All of them.'

'He's alive.' The red woman whispered amazed. Odie looked back at her before burying her head in Jon chest. She was never letting him again. 

Duty or Desire // Jon Snow // Robb StarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora