54. I am a Whore

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'Does anyone wish to speak for candidates for the 998 lord commander of the nights watch?' Maester Aemond questioned.

'Sir Alistair Thorne is not just a knight of nobility but he is a true noble he is the acting commander when the wall came under attack and led us to victory against the wildlings.' Slynt said 'he has won 100 battles and he has been a defender of the watch and the wall almost all of his life he is the only true choice.' there was an echo of the watch, agreeing with him.

'Ser Dennis Masters joined the night to watch as a boy, he has been here longer than any of us through 10 winters and kept the Wildlings away, we could do no better.' another round of cheers for Dension.

'If there is no one else..' master aemond said 'the triangle tokens count for Alistair Thorne, square tokens for ser Denison-'

'Master Aemon!' Sam called out.

'Samuel Tarly go on.'

'Sam the slayer another Wildling lover just like his friend Jon Snow.' one of the men remarked

'How is your lady lover slayer?'

'Her name is Gilly but you know her quite well because you coward together during the fight of the great wall.' Sam told Slynt

'Lies.' He spat, standing up in outrage.

'Wildling girl, a baby and Lord Janice slynt... I found him there after the battle in a puddle of his own making.' Sam informed everyone. the men erupted in laughter, 'whilst Lord Janice was hiding with the women and children, Jon Snow was leading the men. Sir Alistair did show bravely it is true but when he was wounded it was Jon who saved him, he took charge of the walls defense,' sam went on 'he killed and he went north of the wall to deal with Mance Rader although it's certainly meant his own death...' sam kept going. 'Before that he led the mission to avenge commander Mormont. Mormont himself chose Jon to be his steward he saw something in him something in Jon and now we have all seen it too.' Jon looked around anxiously though, he didn't like the attention he didn't think himself worthy of this honor, he was just a bastard.

'He may be young but he is the commander we turned to when the night was darkest.' there was another round of approval.

'I cannot argue with any of that.' Alistair said 'but who does Jon Snow want to command the nights watch? Or the Wildlings? everyone knows he loves the wildling girl and he spoke to Mance rader many times... who knows what happened in that tent between those two men if stannis's army had not come.' Throne went on.

'We all saw him put the king beyond the wall out of his misery, do you want to choose a man that has fought the wildlings as I have or a man who made love to them?'

'It is time.' master Aemon said as everyone put their vote in the jar. As the votes were being counted they were being tallied up one by one by one it was a tie between Alistair and Jon. Maester Aemon stood up feeling the stats finding which one was right before putting his down for Jon. Jon won he was the new commander Lord Commander of the wall the men started cheering

'Snow! Snow! Snow!' the men cheered, their new Commander!


'I Tommen of the house Baratheon first of my name king of the andals and the first man Lord of the seven kingdoms do here by recuse myself of this trial. Tywin of the house Lannister hand of the king protector of the realm will sit as judge in my stead.' Tommen said and with that Tommen left the court his knights following after him. Tywin sat at the throne.

'Tyrion of the house Lannister you stand accused by the queen regent of genocide. did you kill King Joffrey?' Tywin questioned his son.

'No.' Tyrion answered confidently.

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