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'What I'm about to tell you, you cannot repeat anyone else.' Catelyn said to Robb, Odie and Theon. 'I do not think Brandon fell from that Tower I think he was thrown and I believe a Lannister's are involved.' Odetta gripped Robb's hand, they couldn't be. They wouldn't. Why would that? He's just a boy. 'We already have reason to believe they're not loyal to the crown.' Catelyn went on as Odies mind raced.

'So they come into our home and try and murder my brother.' Robb said through clenched teeth 'if it's war they want-'

'If it comes to that you know I will stand behind you.' Theon added

'war? Is there going to be a battle in the gods wood?' the maester said 'to easily words of war become acts of war we don't know the truth yet.'

'I will ride to Kings Landing.' Robb said

'no I know there must always be a stark in Winterfell.' Catelyn reminded him.


'It's time to review the accounts my lady... do you want to know how much this royal visit has cost us?'

'Talk to Paul about it.' Catelyn said distractedly.

'Paul went South with Lord Stark my lady you need a new steward and there are several other appointments that require our meeting.' The maester went on.

'I don't care about our appointments.' Catelyn spat

'I will make the appointments.' Robb said 'we will talk about it first thing in the morning.'

'Very good my lord.' the maester said 'my lady.' He turned back to Catelyn before exiting

'When was the last time you left this room?' Robb asked

'I have to take care of him' Catelyn told him

'He's not going to die mother the master has assured us that the dangerous time has passed.' Robb assured.

'I do not care Brandon needs me.' Catelyn told him defensively.

'Rickon needs you,' rob corrected 'he is six he does not know what is happening he follows Odetta around all day crying she tries to comfort him but he's scared and confused. He needs his mother.' the wolf started to howl outside

'Close the windows I can't handle that make them stop!' Catelyn said in outrage.

'Fire.' Robb noted 'you stay here I'll come back.' he ran out Catelyn moved around to look out the window only to see a fire blazing below

'You're not supposed to be here...' she spun around to see a guard staring at her, 'no one is supposed to be here... it's a mercy. he's dead already...' the guard said coming at Bran but Catelyn ran ahead charging at the man she screamed out NO. she was going to protect her son but he threw her down she tried again and had a blade at her throat she gripped it her hand bleeding in the process she bit him trying to get him to stop but he threw her to the ground. his target was bran, but summer came tearing at the man protecting her master, once dead Summer jumped up on the bed sitting next to Brandon her dead kill bleeding out on the floor.

'Good girl Summer.' Odetta cooed running in 'you all right catelyn?' She nodded her hands covered in blood she looked Brandon.

'Check on him.' cat muttered

'Of course.' Odetta went checking him over and he was just the same as he was previously.

'Is he-'

'He's fine...' Odie assured 'why don't you get cleaned up I'll stay here and protect him all night long I promise me and summer right summer?' she turned and the dog seemed to nod giving a little yip, 'see? All good you go get some rest get cleaned up. I won't let anything happen to him I swear.' Odie told her. Cat nodded leaving slowly her bloody hands leaving prints along the door as she pulled it open Robb came running in as cat was heading out

'He's fine.' Odie said seeing the nervous look on his face, 'but you might wanna get rid of that body.' she picked up the blade it was a lannister lion blade. They wouldn't be so foolish as to arm an assassin with their own blade with they? 'Robb take care of your mother I'll stay here with Brandon.' Robb came and pressed a kiss to odies head before leading his mother away.

Duty or Desire // Jon Snow // Robb StarkDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora