Chapter 14: RIP Wawa

Start from the beginning

"You're right. The longer we stay here, the more danger we're putting ourselves in," Calum acknowledges.

I stand up and say, "I might go wake everyone up now actually. The sun is already up and we don't want to waste daylight."

Niall nods, "Sounds good."

I turn back towards the barn and go through the door. When I walk in, I see Erica is already awake.

"Hey," She smiles, "I was wondering where you were."

"I was just talking to Niall and Calum. I haven't been up for too long though. Did you sleep well?"

"Actually yes. Who knew a barn floor could be so comfortable?" Erica says.

I laugh before asking, "So how was your shift with Luke?"

"Not that bad actually. We talked for a little, and there were no issues with zombies. Luke's actually kind of a cool guy. He might not act like it all the time, but I can tell he has a kind heart," She tells me, glancing over to Luke who is still sleeping.

"Well that's news to me," I curtly reply as I walk over to pick up my bag. I briefly think back to when Luke helped me when I was sick, and I know Erica is probably right. But I have convinced myself that him helping me was just a moment of weakness. Why else would he be so rude and argumentative every other time I have talked to him? I shrug away the mixed feelings I have about him and turn back to face Erica.

"We're planning on leaving soon," I inform her, "Niall and Calum are ready, I just came in to wake the rest of you guys up."

She nods, "Luke and I were talking about leaving behind unnecessary supplies so the extra weight doesn't slow us down. Do you, Niall, and Calum want to start that while I wake everyone else up?"

I slightly groan at the idea, but I know that it's a smart move, "Sure. We'll meet you guys outside in ten."

I meet the two boys back outside and we start going through our bags. We struggle on deciding what's useful and what's not, but we end up taking out a few items that we felt might weigh us down. About ten minutes pass when the barn door opens and everyone else walks out.

"Ugh. It's so bright out," Michael complains while shielding his eyes, "Why are we leaving so early again?"

"It's smart to travel in daylight. Every minute counts while the sun is up," Luke replies. I try to hide my surprise by his response. I feel like his attitude on travelling has completely flipped in the last 24 hours, but I'm glad he seems to understand my perspective now.

"Exactly. If we start moving now, we can try to find somewhere to settle down for the night before it gets dark out," I further explain.

Michael sighs, "Makes sense. I just wish it wasn't so damn bright outside."

Niall bends down and picks up a pair of sunglasses from the discard pile we just made, "Would these help?"

Michael's mood instantly flips as he takes the sunglasses, "See, this is why Niall is the best. You actually just made my day, dude."

Michael slips on the shades and Niall laughs. The sunglasses being useful makes me temporarily doubt every item we took out. I speedily scan through the other items we discarded, but I decide that everything else should stay behind.

"Is everyone pretty much ready to go?" I ask.

"Yeah," Luke says, responding for everyone else. The entire group grabs their individual belongings and we do a sweep of the barn before heading down the hill. I take out the map and start following down a road. I kind of hate being the one who directs us, but someone has to do it.

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