Chapter 45

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I looked around, my pack was fighting well, but we were just too few. In the last hour more and more people came. I could see those of the other packhouses and also a few of those who were in the club.

But I knew it was hopeless. When I came, the rogues and vampire hunters were slaughtering the few people here. There were dead bodies everywhere in the house. My father fought with two at the same time, but when I wanted to help him, he called out to me to go out with the others. As expected, the training ground had turned into a kind of slaughterhouse, with dead wolves, rogues and hunters everywhere. Which I tried to ignore as best as I could. I transformed instantly and plunged into the fray. But no matter how many of our enemies I killed, injured, or put to flight, it didn't seem to decrease.

I had completely lost my sense of time. I threw myself on the nearest vampire hunter and ripped his throat open. At that moment I heard a noise behind me, faster than I would have thought possible I turned around, ready to pounce on the next enemy. But there wasn't just another attacker behind me, I was surrounded by five rogues, as I found out after a quick scan. Their mouths were smeared with blood, as were their crippled bodies, which resembled neither man nor beast. They approached slowly and with a mad gleam in their eyes.

I decided to turn back into a human, maybe they would see that as a kind of surrender and give me the chance to attack them completely unprepared.

One of the rogues seemed to recognize me now that I was in human form. "Look if that's not the future alpha." He spoke to me in a strangely distorted voice and moved even closer.

I growled and took a step forward to take his pathetic life when someone got ahead of me. Lisa was on his back in an instant, snapping his neck with a single effective movement. As the rogue collapsed, she jumped off his back and onto the ground.

"Clearly observed." She replied ironically to the dead rogue.

I could hardly believe it, what was she doing here, why wasn't she in the car, they would kill her!

But before I could rack my brains any further, the other rogues who were standing around me and who had probably now understood what was going on woke up from their shock and ran towards Lisa and me, but they didn't get far, suddenly they were vampires everywhere. With just a few moves, they first eliminated the rogues in front of us and then threw themselves into the turmoil of battle.

I turned my gaze to Lisa, who was scrutinizing me closely.

"Do I have to thank you for this?" I asked her in disbelief.

Lisa smiled at me. "I thought you need some help."

I could have kissed her at that moment, but since different types of monsters were beating each other's heads right next to us, I just said: "God, you have no idea how much I love you, Lisa!"

With these words, I turned away, ready to win a fight.

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