Chapter 42

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At first I didn't say anything and just tried to understand what she had just explained to me.

She looked at me questioningly. I pushed aside my speechlessness at the surprising news she had just told me about and started to answer her when we were interrupted for what felt like the hundredth time since we had known each other. But this time something was different...

The club's back door was flung open and a rather agitated Jisoo stormed out.

"Jennie, we have a-" She began as soon as she spotted us, but was interrupted quite harshly by Jennie.

"Damn it, how many times have I said not to disturb me when I'm in a conversation. And since when are you as annoying as Yeo-" She said pissed off.

Something is wrong here...

A bad feeling crept over me, and Jennie seemed to notice it too. Because instead of continuing to snap at Jisoo, her mood suddenly changed. She raised her head slightly in the air and suddenly seemed highly concentrated.

"How many are here?" She wanted to know tensely. Her voice sounded cool and factual, like that of an alpha.

I only understood the station, what was she talking about? I got the answer a few seconds later from Jisoo.

"We're not sure, we still have it under control at the moment. It... it's not just vampire hunters, the rogues are there too."

"What are they both doing here?" Jennie muttered more to herself.

Jisoo shrugged. "Maybe just a coincidence."

Jennie's eyes widened as the realization hit her. "They made a fucking alliance. The rogues knew they didn't stand a chance against us on their own, so they brought the vampire hunters on board."

"And in contrast, the rogues are helping the vamp hunters slaughter my race." I added, because it had now also 'clicked' for me.

Only Jisoo didn't seem really convinced. "It doesn't make sense, there aren't that many, like I said, we've got it under control and there's only a fraction of the pack there. If they had an alliance there would be more, they would flatten us."

For a brief moment it was quiet.

"Not if... even if it's just a fraction of their army from them." Jennie thought. Then she stormed off.

While walking, she fumbled her cell phone out of her pocket and typed wildly on it.

"Jennie, wait a minute. Where are you going?" I called, trying to keep up with her. Without vampire skills I would be really screwed, even Jisoo had problems to keep up.

Jennie suddenly stopped, so abruptly I almost fell into her.

"Following: Jisoo, you stay here and make sure with the others from the pack who are here and the vampires that the rogues and the vampire hunters don't cause trouble, it's best to get the humans out of the club somehow. Lisa, you..." She faltered. " Jisoo with it. I'll warn the rest of the pack, get everyone together, and head to the packhouse, which is where you'll go when you're done."

"What's going on here, Jennie? Why are you panicking all of a sudden?" I asked as she turned to leave.

She hesitated. "Here is just a fraction of all our enemies." She repeated what she said three minutes ago.

"And?" I asked not understanding what she was getting at.

"If not everyone is here, then where is the rest? Why don't they take enough to just flatten us?" Jennie replied rhetorically and shortly thereafter gave the answer. "This is just a red herring, the main target is the rest of the pack and it's not hard to guess who they're going to start with."

"Our alpha." Jisoo whispered.

They wanted to kill Mr. Kim? For a moment I was even inclined to let her have her way, but immediately afterwards my bad knowledge made itself felt. He was my girlfriend's father, how could I even think such a thing!

"Okay, but I'm going with you." I made my condition.

Jennie just shook her head. "Out of the question, you stay here."

I crossed my arms, this time I wouldn't budge. "Either you take me with you or I'll follow you. I'll come with you in any kind of way anyway."

"Stop with the kid stuff like that and stick with Jisoo." Jennie commanded slightly angrily. "We don't have time for this!"

I raised an eyebrow in boredom. "I see it the same way."

Jennie cursed, clearly pissed off. "Okay, but when the rogues come, you stay in the house. Alright?"

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