Chapter 16

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We sat in the car in the parking lot in front of the school. We've been standing here for at least five minutes, but I just didn't dare to go inside.

"I have no idea how to act. For the last few years I've never been interested in what people think of me or if I hurt their feelings with my behavior." I wailed.

"Honey, just stay with me and act... normal. Just be who you are." Jennie encouraged me, looking me in the eyes with complete sincerity. I stared back anxiously.

She slowly leaned in and gave me a light kiss on the cheek.

"Come along."

With these words, she simply got out of the car and I followed her a short time later, somewhat perplexed. As we walked across the square, I felt watched, as if my every step was being analyzed by the others.

In front of the school entrance I already saw Rosé that had probably been waiting for me.

"Hey, Lis!" She called out and walked towards me. I followed her every move with my eyes until she came to me and hugged me wildly.

I looked at Jennie a little awkwardly. However, when she saw my look, she just started to laugh. This bitch!

I raised my arms and gently patted Rosé's back.

"Hey." I greeted back and slowly pulled away from her. "This is Jen, my... friend." I tried to answer her questioning look. Stuttering and embarrassed, I finally finished my sentence and looked down.

I wasn't quite sure how we were related to each other. I was her mate, but did that automatically make us a couple?

"Jen? Is that your full name?" Rosé just kept chatting. I don't know if she really didn't notice my lapse or if she was just nice enough to ignore it.

The two held some small talk while we entered the building and walked to the lockers.

Still at my locker, Jennie suddenly leaned in and whispered in my ear, amused. "Friends, then?" Her breath brushed my skin and I had to swallow. This girl completely threw me off and I wasn't so sure if that was a good thing.


The morning went okay. A lot was different, I was different. I perceived everything much more intensely.

Rosé hardly left my side, in the first hour, when she was sitting next to me, she talked non-stop, but it was somehow funny to listen to her making fun of the teachers and me everything, really everything, about down the latest movies.

But despite her distraction, I couldn't prevent my gaze from landing on Jennie again and again. Just the way she talked to her friends, laughed or gave me a look inconspicuously, completely captivated me and made me smile. It fascinated me how she ran her fingers through her hair or slightly tilted her chair back when she got bored.

The next few hours, which I didn't have with either Jennie or Rosé, I somehow missed both of them a little. That's why I was happy when the bell finally rang and I ran out of the room as quickly as possible.

And where to go now?

I had no idea where Jennie was. Probably in the cafeteria, but I didn't want to go in there. I sighed and walked towards the library, but was stopped abruptly when I ran into someone. Her arms held me tight, so I wouldn't fall. My heartbeat skidded. Jennie.

I looked up and couldn't think straight. She seemed to feel the same way, judging from her clouded eyes.

Her hands on my waist pulled me closer to her body, she lowered her head and brushed her lips over mine before slowly moving down my neck.

"I think I should get the same right as you." She whispered softly against my skin.

Of course I knew what she meant by that. As was usual with werewolves, she wanted to bite me too, connecting us on her level, which was difficult to grasp and which expressed itself differently with each couple. Sometimes those affected gained special skills or an even more intense feeling for each other. However, this bond was purely spiritual.

I was still searching for an appropriate answer when a voice came from across the hall, and I winced in complete surprise.

"Ruby Jane, there you are. God, I've been looking for you forever. We're all in the cafeteria waiting for you!" Jeongyeon exclaimed, annoyed.

Jennie clenched my neck and answered, struggling for her composure and with a murderous undertone. "Go back to the others and tell them not to wait for me."

With a sigh, Jeongyeon turned around and was almost gone when Jennie started again.

"Oh and Yeon?" She said with a menacing look. "If you bother me again and it's about something as unimportant as this, then I wouldn't want to switch places with you."

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes, although her respect for the almost-alpha was obvious, and stalked off in a huff.

With a wry grin, Jennie turned back to me and gave me one last kiss on the lips before pulling me in the same direction Jeongyeon had just disappeared.

"I think our project will have to wait. My hunger is killing me." She explained with an unreadable facial expression for me.

The more time passed without tasting her blood again, the more difficult it became to interpret what she was feeling and what emotions I was expressing myself. I had to savor it all while I still could.

"Mine too." I teased, watching her facial expressions slip for a moment before glaring at me mock evil.

"Just kidding." I snorted with laughter.

"Not. Funny." She replied, but I also heard something like admiration in her voice, even if I didn't know what I deserved it for.

In the meantime we had arrived at the cafeteria where the students were crowding and shouting loudly to come and eat at her. I felt uncomfortable in the presence of so many people. The feeling of being watched set in immediately.

"I'll get something to eat quickly. I'll be right back with you." Jennie promised me who must have noticed my unrest and gave me a quick wink before she plunged into the crowd of students.

I looked around and saw Rosé sitting at a table with a few others and waving at me. Questioningly, she pointed to the seat next to her, but I shook my head quickly to signal that I would not sit next to her. She pulled a short pout, but then smiled at me again. She was just a happy person, you really couldn't steal her laughter with anything.

I let my gaze wander and flinched at the same moment I saw several tables. But neither the tables nor the people sitting at them scared me that much, but rather the 20 or so looks they threw at me from their coal-black eyes which seemed to pierce me.

They're probably part of Jennie's pack. And they don't seem too excited about their new Luna.

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