Chapter 5

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Wait, I'm her mate!!!!

I let out a cold laugh and in shock she loosened her grip slightly, which I immediately used to push her away from me. She stumbled back a few steps and stared at me like I'd grown a third head. It was funny, about 90% of all werewolves also had werewolves as mates, the rest were mostly humans. The fact that she had a vampire soulmate, and that it was also me, was so ridiculous that I couldn't help but laugh out of sheer irony.

"Jen," I said, unnecessarily lengthening her name. "You may not have noticed, but I'm a half-vampire, which means I don't have any feelings and I never will have them, I'll never have feelings for you or anyone else. You're perfectly-" Before I could finish my sentence, she seemed to catch herself and cut me off. She had put on an impenetrable expression.

"Fuck, this isn't just about us, my dad is the alpha, I'm expected to find my Luna, my mate. You're mine, there's nothing you can do about it." She said angrily, and I couldn't help but bite my lower lip when she got angry, her carotid artery protruding prominently. I could almost feel the blood pulsing inside. I really had to concentrate to catch her words.

"I'm so sorry about your pack." I said sarcastically. "But unfortunately I can't do anything about that either."

To be honest I didn't give a damn about what happened to her or her pack. She should have found another soulmate.

Okay, I knew she couldn't, but still.

Suddenly I hear voices and more and more students turn into the corridor, which slowly seemed to fill up. The break was almost over.

"Lisa!" I heard a voice call and turned a lot in the direction it had come from.

There was Rosé standing, waving her arm wildly to get my attention.

I wanted to turn back to Jen to say goodbye to her, but she was already gone.


It turned out that I really still had several classes with Rosé. She babbled non-stop, even in class she was difficult to calm down, but as long as she didn't ask too many questions it was okay.

I also saw Jen a few times in one of my courses, but we didn't talk anymore, only sometimes I felt her eyes on me.

All the time I had to think about the conversation and the touches. I had felt her warmth, my body reacted to her. Even though I didn't feel anything, my body did. I couldn't just leave it like that, but I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to think about Jen anymore, I needed some distraction.


I just got back from biology, my last lesson for today. Rosé was just raving to me about a girl who sat in front of her in class.

Arrived at my locker, I said goodbye and told her to go home because I still had to go to the toilet. The girl most likely really would have taken me to the car.

I headed for the toilets, although I didn't really have to. My plan was quite simple, fit a boy and drink a little from him. I knew that I shouldn't do this, but I need it now, I just wanted to switch off and not think about everything.

In the corridor with the toilets, I already saw a suitable candidate, he didn't look too young and quite passable. I made sure he wasn't a werewolf and slowly walked towards him.

"Hi, my name is Lisa, I wanted to ask if you could show me where the library is," I said in the sweetest voice I could muster, attempting an innocent smile.

He nodded and answered. "Of course, no problem."

Together we went upstairs, meanwhile we talked a little. He asked where I came from and why I moved. I tried to answer his questions as imprecisely as possible. And asked him many counter-questions.

When we got to the library, I knew his name was Eric and he was in my grade level, even though we didn't have a subject together.

He was about to say goodbye, but I was faster.

"Would you like to come in and show me where the literature books are?" I let my sexy voice ring and made it clear what I really wanted.

Well, maybe he thought I wanted to make out with him, but I only wanted his blood and he didn't know.

He grinned in a dirty way and nodded, then took my arm and pulled me into the library. Only a few people sat here, and they were engrossed in their work.

Eric immediately headed for the back shelves until we were completely shielded from the others in the last corner.

I felt the hunger and the bloodlust, faster than he could comprehend I had him pressed against the wall and started kissing his neck.

In reality, of course, I was just looking for the right place to bite, but he was already so high on hormones that he didn't even notice it. My front teeth changed, became longer and more pointed. I could hardly stand it.

He pulled me closer to him and at that moment I couldn't hold myself any longer and sank my teeth into his neck.

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