Chapter 35

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I tried hard to see something in the darkness. And what I saw, I could hardly believe. In front of me was a little boy, really small. If I had to guess, I'd say he's definitely not older than four or five years.

"Can't you sleep either?" He asked me in his high child's voice and looked at me with his huge, black wide eyes that reminded me of a dog's. Somehow he had resemblance to Jeongyeon. He looked just as alert and jittery as her and in pirate pajamas.

"Yes, I can't." I replied perplexed. What was a child so young doing here at this time of the day?

The little one nodded and put on a serious expression that I would not have believed him capable of at this age.

"What is your name?" I continued our unexpected conversation. To be honest, the moment I heard someone coming, I really didn't give a damn that it could be Mr. Kim, I was all the more relieved that it wasn't so true.

"Josh, and you?" He murmured, drawing out his name and cocking his head.

"My name is Lisa." I replied smiling. "I'm Jennie's girlfriend. Do you know her?"

"Of course!" Josh chuckled, as if I had made a particularly funny joke or asked a really ridiculous question. "And I know you too! My sister told me about you."

At that moment it 'clicked' for me. "Your sister is Zara, isn't she?" He nodded.

"Do you have other siblings too?"

"Mhmm yes, I have two sisters. Jeongyeon and Zara."

Although I now understood who he was, the question remained what he was doing here.

"What are you doing here, Josh? Won't you try to sleep again?" I voiced my thoughts.

"I wanted to go to mum and dad, I can sleep better with them, but then I saw that the door was a bit open and wanted to see what's in here." He explained. "I made a bet with Tanny and Zara on what's behind the big door and thought this would be a good way to find out. They both don't think I'll find out because I'm too 'small'."

At the end you could clearly hear how outraged he was that they even considered something like this. Somehow that occupied me. I had never made bets and had real playmates or friends. I've always been different from the others. Not different in a special way though. I remembered that.

"Why were you here?" Josh asked the counter-question while I was still pondering his words.

"I wanted to look at the pictures." I replied, lost in thought, pointing to the photos on the desk. "But you can't tell anyone that."

He looked at me excitedly. "So it's a secret that you're here?"

"Yes, exactly. Only the two of us know about it."

He beamed enthusiastically at those words. Then he suddenly came running around the table, stood on tiptoe and looked over the table. For a while he said nothing and just looked at the pictures.

"Who is the woman next to the alpha?" He suddenly whispered so quietly, as if he were afraid someone might hear us.

I threw him a smile and was about to start to answer, but I was suddenly interrupted by a voice from the door frame. And just like a few minutes ago, I jumped as if struck by lightning.

"It doesn't matter, Josh. Now go to sleep."

Did I actually hand out invitations to everyone? First Josh walked in here and now HER.

Josh did what was asked of him, but he gave me a hug before he walked out, which put a smile on my face. He was super cute.

So after Josh left the room, Jennie turned back to me with a deep sigh.

"I don't have to tell you that it could have gone terribly wrong, did I?" She said, raising her eyebrows and narrowing her eyes slightly.

I bit my lower lip to keep from laughing. "No, you really don't have to." I smiled. I had to admit I was damn surprised that she didn't make a scene at me, in her place I probably would have.

"Josh seems to like you." Jennie changed the topic with a smile.

I smiled innocently. "Yeah, we both seem to have trouble sleeping."

Nobody said anything for a moment, but then Jennie suddenly sighed loudly.

"We should go back now, soon it will be 6 o'clock and then the first ones will get up here..." She let the sentence hang in the air and held out her hand to me. I nodded in agreement and took it.

Together we walked back to Jennie's room, when we got there she pulled me straight into the bed, where she put her arms around me.

"When you weren't lying next to me when I woke up, I thought you went home like last night." She murmured into my hair.

"I didn't want it that way." I whispered back. "I was just bored and then I remembered something. I went into your dad's office."

"The pictures." She answered herself.

I frowned in confusion. "You were listening?"

"I wanted to know what you're doing before I go for your throat. But you were so... cute with Josh, I couldn't blame you even though you were snooping around in someone else's stuff." Jennie explained seriously. "On the other hand, if the alpha caught you-"

"I know." I stopped her quietly and looked down. I didn't want to know what Mr. Kim would have done to me.

"Jennie?" I called. She looked into my eyes waiting.

"Why were there only pictures of your mother?" I asked.

"What do you mean? He loved her." She answered a bit confused.

"No, that's not what I mean. My question was, why were there only pictures of your mother on the desk? Why wasn't there a photo of you?"

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