Chapter 33

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Jennie's smile suddenly looked a bit shy. "I can sense your feelings." She admitted.

Only after a few seconds I understood the irony of her words. Through her blood she had given me back my feelings in the first place and now she could feel them.

"It's not that easy though. I don't get everything, feelings are not always constant, some are only very fleeting and very difficult to interpret. It all started when I woke up, somehow I knew immediately something was wrong. Only in the pack meeting I realized that you could be the reason for this. So at school, when you saw me, you panicked and you were scared. Of course I knew what was going on, so I followed you. I knew immediately how desperate you were because of the inexplicable lust for my blood and I couldn't help but offer it to you. Later on during the hiding thing I sensed your uncertainty and damn, I couldn't let you stay here with me and be slaughtered by them like my mother." She confessed.

"That's why you tried to convince me that you wanted a break from our relationship. You wanted to keep me safe." I continued and Jennie nodded. I slowly understood everything. "You idiot, this isn't Twilight where the boy has to protect the fragile, weak girl by breaking up! I'm a vampire and a Luna, I'm strong as long as you're by my side." I got up from the bed where I was sitting and stood in front of her. "I'm serious, don't you do that again!"

Jennie had to hold back a laugh.

Why is she laughing now?

I slapped her on the arm indignantly, which made her laugh. Although I tried to fight it, I also burst into giggles.

When we had calmed down somehow, Jennie said wryly. "Don't worry, sweetie. Now that I know you're acting as a live lie detector, I certainly won't try to protect you like that again."

"Well, only with you I do notice whether what you say is true or false." I corrected her.

Jennie shrugged. "Things can always change." That's what she meant.

I raised an eyebrow questioningly. What did she mean by that... it wasn't possible that-

"It is often the case that the skills of those affected increase over time. For example, it's likely that soon I'll be able to sense everyone's feelings, at least aggravated." She answered my unspoken question.

I had to let that sink in first. Not only that I had received an incredible ability, no, it would even develop and reach completely different dimensions.

"That's just... wow." I murmured, still quite overwhelmed.


I immediately looked up at Jennie. There was so much pain in her eyes and... longing?

"What happened?" I whispered barely audibly.

"I'm so sorry about what happened earlier, you have to believe me. I just wanted to protect you. I would never seriously break up with you. I lov-" Jennie began, but was suddenly interrupted by the room door, which jerked open.

"Hey, Mandu. The alpha said..." Jeongyeon's loud, unmistakable babble interrupted us. As soon as she saw us, she fell silent.

Jennie and I gave her an annoyed look. I really wanted to know what Jennie was about to say. Was that what I thought she was trying to say?

"Am I disturbing?" Jeongyeon asked unsure.

Jennie raised an eyebrow impossibly. I was no different. Did Jeongyeon really not realize that it was just an inappropriate time?

Jeongyeon looked back and forth between us so quickly that her eyes looked like ping-pong balls. She, too, seemed to be slowly realizing the situation.

"Should I..-" She began thoughtfully, but was immediately interrupted abruptly.

"Get out!"

"Okay, I see! You were just about... you know... knick-knack." Jeongyeon said teasingly with a dirty grin on her face.

"Yeon, go now." Jennie threatened in disbelief.

Jeongyeon seemed to check that she really, really should go now. She slowly backed out of the room.

"So have fun. I'll go then." She said before slamming the door shut.

Jennie turned to me and looked deep into my eyes. In her eyes I saw how she struggled with herself. There was still so much unspoken that we needed to talk about and what stood between us. But at the moment only her and I mattered. I felt the mood change with her decision from one moment to the next. Her eyes slipped to my mouth and before I could even understand what was happening, she had already bridged the distance between us with a soft curse and pressed her lips demandingly to mine.

Vamp Mate | jenlisaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora