Chapter 34

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I returned her kiss immediately and although we were 'broken up' for no more than half an hour, it felt like we hadn't been a couple for months.

Jennie pulled me towards her bed. When she got there, she parted her lips from mine for a brief moment, she used this time to grab me by the waist and throw me onto the bed. Immediately she was on top of me again and picked up where we left off. She pulled her mouth away from mine and gently moved it to my ear.

"I love you." She breathed out.

At first I didn't even notice what she was saying as I was far too distracted by her closeness, her warmth and her smell. But then her words got through to me. She loved me! I felt the meaning and the sincerity in her words. The most diverse feelings raged through my innermost being. Like I'm standing in the middle of a hurricane for love.

Jennie's soft laugh tore me out of my inner emotional storm.

"Since your feelings just got jumbled together in an unreadable muddle, and you don't seem like you've figured it out yet, I guess you'll need some more time to answer." She whispered with a smile, but the disappointment in her voice was clearly audible.

"N-No." I replied, just as surprised as she was. But it was true, I didn't need any more time to think about it. I knew how I felt about her and I stood by it. "I love you too."


I looked at Jennie's sleeping face. After we talked and cuddled a bit, we went downstairs and she made herself something to eat. Then we went for a little walk through the forest. We had avoided other pack members. We just wanted to enjoy a little time together and forget everything that went wrong today. And that wasn't a little...

For half an eternity we just watched movies and ate sweets in the evening. Although I didn't need it and I honestly didn't like it that much, I still put some popcorn in it. At some point Jennie was just yawning and although she was adamant that she wasn't tired, I was able to persuade her to sleep.

And now here I was, some five hours later, in one of Jennie's now completely crumpled shirts, staring alternately at the ceiling and then back at her. I didn't know exactly what to do now. I wouldn't fall asleep again, I was 100% sure of that, and somehow waking her up seemed pretty unfair to me, after all she really deserved her sleep after a day like this. Of course there was still the possibility to go home, but I immediately dismissed this thought, I will certainly not do that to her again. So there's only one thing left to do: Wait, like I've been doing for about 30 minutes. But that was easier said than done. Looking at her made me feel like a creepy stalker and looking at the ceiling was really boring. In the end, all I could do was look at the clock on her bedside table. I was quite sure that this hadn't been written here last night...

It was just 5:14 a.m., I realized with annoyance. Meant I would probably lie here for quite a while. I watched the second hand as it slowly tormented itself across the dial and felt my mind wander.

I had told Jennie before that I loved her, but was that true? Do I even know what love is?

I've never said to anyone that I loved them. My mother died when I was born and my father was callous as a rock, there wasn't much to love. I had often wondered how I could even queue. Well, not from a physical point of view, that was already clear to me. Beer and flowers and such. But in order to have a child, you kind of have to love someone too, or at least like the person, which was pretty much impossible with my dad. But somehow I didn't believe either that I was an accident and that they had simply forgotten to use birth control during an one night stand. It was the obvious thing to do, but I just had the feeling that it wasn't like that.

I turned back to Jennie. She looked really cute when she slept. She has her head on one arm and the other was loosely around my waist.

Very slowly, afraid of waking her up, I lifted my hand and gently stroked her cheek. She was very soft. I let my hand slide to her slightly parted lips that had been on my mouth a few hours ago. My whole body shook when I thought about it. There was no better feeling than kissing her, I was sure. For a moment I toyed with the idea of ​​waking her up again, but before I got carried away, I decided to look around this big house a little instead.

Quietly, careful not to wake Jennie, I broke her grip and stood up. I didn't change because it was really very early and I didn't think I would meet anyone. My plan was simple: Walk around a bit and be back before Jennie woke up.

I carefully opened the door and padded barefoot into the dark hallway. In the middle of the corridor was a carpet that felt pleasantly soft under my soles. As I kept walking, I had a crazy idea. What if I went into Jennie's father's office again? I vaguely remembered seeing pictures on his desk during the conversation yesterday. I remembered wondering what was on it. Everything in the room had seemed so cold and so impersonal... except for those picture frames. But was it really a good idea to go back to the office? On the other hand, what should happen, everyone was asleep?

I decided to go to the office. I found it relatively quickly, the huge wooden door was hard to miss. One hand already on the handle, I hesitated for a moment. Am I really doing the right thing? I pushed back my doubts and pushed them down. The door opened effortlessly, only a soft squeak could be heard. Still a little unsure whether I shouldn't leave, I entered. I slowly approached the monstrous worktable. When I got to it I turned on the old looking desk lamp and walked around it. The photos immediately caught my eye. There were two pieces in total. Both featured the same woman, who I immediately identified as Jennie's mother. In the first picture you saw her in the forest, leaning against a tree trunk and laughing. She wasn't looking at the camera, suggesting the picture was taken in secret. She had a necklace of daisies in her light brown hair. On anyone else it would have seemed cliche and childish, but she couldn't be imagined without flowers. A very special aura surrounded her, she... radiated joy and love out of herself.

The other picture showed her and Mr. Kim together. He grabbed her arm. He in a tuxedo and she in a beautiful white dress. It had been done at their wedding, you could see that straight away. A small chapel could be seen in the background and behind it a forest again. They seemed incredibly happy together. I noticed that Jennie's mother's smile was cut out of her face. The same smile lines, the same expression. Suddenly I felt a terrible longing for her and I decided to run back into her room.

I sat up and turned off the lamp. Just at that moment I suddenly heard the creaking of the door and while my eyes were still adjusting to the darkness, I heard a voice a few steps away from me.

"What are you doing here?"


A/N: Writing about 10 - 15 more chapters, then I'm ending it! 💁🏻‍♀️

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