Chapter 29

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My eyes met Jennie's, her expression was rigid.

"Father... I can't just come with you. I want to think about it first." I firmly shared my decision.

"The hunters will not hesitate to attack and if they do, all of our kind should pray they don't get their hands on one. I'll give you time to decide, but don't hesitate too long." He only replies indifferently, then he took his bag which he had left at the front door and went into his bedroom or rather the guest room.

The door slammed and I was alone in the room again with Jennie. For a while no one said anything, I lingered silently in my thoughts, I still couldn't believe they were here, the vampire hunters. Her voice finally pulled me out of my thoughts.

"You should go with him."

I looked at her dumbfounded. Had she really just asked me to leave? Being in a long-distance relationship, if you could call it that, I wasn't even sure what exactly we were at the moment.

Her eyes were fixed on the floor and didn't reveal anything about her feelings.

"If you come too." I replied when she didn't always make an effort to carry out my point of view.

This time it was her turn to look at me in surprise, either it hadn't even crossed her mind or she found it so absurd that she immediately dismissed it in her mind, whatever it was, but she really didn't seem to respond with that to have expected. It took me a lot of effort to say it myself, because it was more than just a cheeky reply. I really wished that she would come with me. What I said was a request to her that I was afraid she would not fulfill.

"Lili, I... can't come with you." She murmured hesitantly. For a brief moment she looked directly at me, a silent apology in her eyes, then her eyes slipped to the ceiling, sighing, she ran her hand over the back of her neck. "My pack needs me."

"I need you. Your pack can do without you sometimes. So far you're still not an alpha and what about the beta wolf? Please Jennie, don't leave me alone."

"Never, I'm always there, okay? Just go with your dad this time, get yourself safe and when you come back I'll be all yours again." She tried desperately to change my mind.

"Why? Why are you doing this to us, we haven't even been together for two days!"

Jennie grabbed her hair and pulled on it so hard I was afraid she was going to pull it out. She was at the end of her patience, a low growl escaped her and she turned away angrily. I tell how her shoulders rose and fell trying to control herself. Where did this change of mood come from?

When she got herself under control again, she raised her hand and suggested going for a walk.

"Jennie, I want to know what's going on." I replied, ignoring her slowly sinking hand.

"I'll explain outside, in here I always feel so... caged." She murmured thoughtfully.

We put on our shoes and walked out. After we had walked side by side in silence for a while, she started talking.

"When I was younger, like eleven or twelve, some of our pack members who were out on patrol picked up a strange smell. In itself this is nothing abnormal, other wolves often cross our area. But the smell kept appearing, sometimes on the corpses of brutally mangled animals. It was four rogues, wild creatures, a mixture of human and beast, who had trained it. They do not wander forming between these two but have elements of both. They don't fit in anywhere, have difficulty communicating, and often kill humans as well as animals, but werewolves most often. No one knows why but for some reason their instinct keeps pushing them back to the areas where packs are. They say our smell drives them crazy, it drives them crazy, all they want in their heads is to hunt and kill."

"Nobody in our pack knew who it was, so finding the difference between the smells of our species is not easy as every wolf has, at least in part, a slightly different smell. My father did nothing, he thought the wolves would move on. We realized much too late what a great danger we were actually facing. My mom and another pack member died because of this carelessness. They walked a little through the forest, looking for new places to train the young wolves to hunt and defend. The rogues attacked, they were too many. My mother didn't stand a chance. She called the pack for help, but by the time the first one arrived, it was too late. A wolf was badly injured during the fight. Luckily we heal relatively quickly, otherwise he would have died too. I myself have also suffered scars, both visible and invisible." Jennie said haltingly and with a telltale glint in her eyes. Unexpectedly, she suddenly pushed her t-shirt up a bit. On her side you could see the elongated, coral-like scars that I had seen before, but never got around to asking where she got them from. "The psychological pain these wild wolves inflicted on me was not even half as bad as the one they inflicted on me by killing my mother. My dad lost his mate with her death and the pack lost their Luna. This is... unforgivable."

I looked at Jennie in silence, I had no doubt that the actions of the rogues would be repaid with their deaths and even if she might have killed one of them herself, I couldn't blame her, because according to her stories, they weren't just complete abnormal but also... inhuman.

The only question was what did that have to do with the fact that she didn't want to accompany me?

"Is that why you feel you have to stay with your pack? Because you have to protect them in case the rogues come back?" I asked cautiously. I didn't want to get too close to her with my guesses.

Jennie's gaze, which had just gone somewhere far away, flew back to me.

"What? No... Yes, yes. Well... these creatures also live in a kind of 'pack' and in the last few years it has tried again and again to take revenge for those we killed. Often only small attacks, each with two or three wolves on their part, which we could easily suppress. But there are rumors that they are looking for allies, so they are getting a lot stronger and more numerous. Whether the allies are an enemy pack, or more rogues, or something completely different, no one knows. Anyway, there's been a lot of buzz about it the last few days and this morning when I wasn't in class, there was quite a tiring discussion about it."

I remembered this morning, Jisoo and Jeongyeon had said something about a meeting that was probably pretty serious.

"When will they attack?"

"I don't know, maybe today. Maybe in a month. That's the difficult part, no one knows anything for sure, just rumors and guesses. Do you understand now why I can't leave here? I can't go now. I have to be there and tell my pack what to do, I have to see what my father overlooks and be a role model. When I leave, it looks like I'm running away and I'm not allowed to. Not for a single second should anyone in the pack think we can lose to these monsters, because we won't. Just one thing is clear, in every fight there are wounded and dead, so there will be in this one and I wouldn't survive if you were one of them. I want you to go with your peter to keep you safe. otherwise I can't find a quiet moment." She replied, looking deep into my eyes.

It was at that moment that I suddenly realized that even though her words had tried to persuade me to leave, she had done exactly the opposite. I would stay with her no matter how dangerous it was. I had no other choice, because my heart had made this decision long ago.

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