Chapter 21

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She actually let me bite her. Ever since we first met, I had dreamed of this moment when she would accept me as her mate.

I looked at her beautiful body lying in my arms. She had passed out after the bite, as was customary, and I had caught her. Several strands of wet hair hung in her flawless face, which only made her look even more beautiful. I picked her up in bridal style and ran out of the cave behind the waterfall. Luckily the water wasn't that deep for me to be able to carry her, swimming would have been difficult.

From the water outside, I couldn't help but notice her again with great intensity. Her bare skin pressed against mine, her face against my chest... why did I have to go swimming too?

I quickly put her top on her and searched through her jeans, in which I finally found what I was looking for. Her phone. I knew the number of the packhouse and Jisoo's by heart. First I tried it with my buddy, but as expected she didn't answer. As a werewolf, carrying your cell phone with you was exhausting. So I tried it in the pack house and lo and behold, someone picked it up. Namely Jeongyeon's little sister. Great.

"Hey, Zara. Little girl, can you give me your sister Jeongyeon?" I asked as nicely as I could. She was seven and damn stubborn.

"I'm not little!" I heard an inflamed voice screaming as if on command.

"No, of course not. Sorry. Can you pass the phone to your older sister now?"

Through the phone, I heard her calling Jeongyeon, and a short time later she answered the phone.

"Hey, sorry about Zara. She's going through her defiance phase right now." She said as a greeting.

I heard loud protests in the background. Her sister was probably still there.

"She's had it for years." I replied with a smile. "But what I actually called about, you have to pick me up."

"Why? Are you hurt?"

"No, just come. We're at the waterfall. I'll be walking towards you."

"We? Does that mean you're not alone?"

She sounded curious.

Of course, it's Yoo Jeongyeon after all.

I noticed way too late. She had always been the loud one, the one who asked holes in the stomach and whose thirst for knowledge was immeasurable. If only I had asked about Jisoo, she was the complete opposite. She obeyed my orders and didn't question anything I told her to do.

"Just do what I told you." With these words I hung up.

Holding Lisa to me, I ran in the direction Jeongyeon would come from. Thanks to the wolf powers, I hardly felt her weight, although she probably wouldn't have been very heavy either. No wonder if you only fed on blood.

The memory of her drinking blood from me made me feel uneasy. It hadn't been very painful, but I was afraid of what it would be like now that I had bitten her. Because whether she was a vampire or not, that bite was an injury she inflicted on me and hurting her soulmate after being accepted was against all the laws of nature.

Jeongyeon appeared in front of me in my car and I banished my gloomy thoughts. She jerked the door open and I came towards her.

"Is that Lalisa?" She asked shocked.

I nodded. "I bit her."

The tension immediately drained from her features.

"Gosh, you could tell me straightaway. Congratulations!"

I looked at her with raised eyebrows. I told her right away. Shaking my head, I sat in the car with Lisa on my lap.

"Shall I go to her house?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Not necessary. She's sleeping with me tonight."

"She will definitely not be happy when she finds out that you took off her wet bikini."

The thought had crossed my mind too, but still...

"What makes you think I'm going to take it off her?"

"Well, afterwards she'll catch a cold in her wet clothes." Jeongyeon said unconvincingly and I couldn't suppress a loud laugh.

"Yeon, she's a vampire. They don't get sick or get a cold." I explained on her questioning expression.

"Oh." She felt embarrassed.

That ended our conversation for now.

Arriving in the pack house, I ignored the helpless and sometimes reproachful faces until I was finally in my room and could put my beautiful, incredibly cute mate to bed while sleeping. I quickly stripped off her wet top, left her bikini on and put one of my shirts on her.

I too changed and lay down. I held her tightly in my arms and breathed in her changing scent deeply. Soon our smells would adapt and we would become even more specific about each other, so that we would never be able to get rid of each other even if we tried. But I personally never would. I could never leave her because I love her more than anything in the world and it was my job to protect her.


A/N: Honestly, I'm struggling to write this story, so I published 'Banned To Touch' again. Let's see what I can do with the stories.

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