Chapter 10

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I... I had no idea how to put into words what I was feeling. I had found her, my mate. But she didn't have any feelings for me, none at all, just because she was a fucking vampire.

"Fuck!" I yelled and slammed into the nearest thing, in this case my bedpost, and collapsed to the ground.

The car with Jeongyeon taking Lisa home had just left.

She just left me alone with my feelings and despite that I wanted her, I wanted her so bad. Lili, that's what I used to call her in my head, childish nickname for someone who doesn't have emotions, I know.

Breathing heavily and a little calmer, I got up after a little eternity and walked downstairs, only Wendy was sitting in the living room.

"Hey, Wendy!" I greeted her as I passed, but was promptly stopped by her.

"Who was that girl, Jennie?" She asked cynically, putting a lot of emphasis on the word girl.

"You'll find out soon enough." I replied and hurried to get out of the house.

In the garden were two of the little ones. Zara and Josh, Jeongyeon's siblings. Zara was almost seven, Josh was only five. They usually had Tanny with them, she was barely younger than Zara and the two of them usually couldn't be separated. She was just at the pediatrician with her mother. At that age it was still possible because the wolf gene was only activated later. Exactly when was always different, but definitely in a period between 10 and 15 years.

Since I didn't have the stamina or strength to talk to the kids, let alone play, I walked past them with a slight smile. I had almost managed to duck into the surrounding forest to go for a run when my dad rushed over to me from the house.

"Jennie, can we have a talk?" He demanded in a voice that left me little choice.

Unlike Wendy, I couldn't just brush him off, I knew that from the start. He was still the alpha until now, so I just nodded.

"Good, then let's walk a little together." He suggested, trying to keep his tone of voice relaxed and immediately walked a few steps into the forest, I followed him. It wasn't hard to guess what he wanted to talk about.

"So what about your Luna? Have you already found the lucky one?" He asked, addressing the only topic he had known for weeks without a long preamble, but this time he didn't seem as interested as usual and I think he actually wanted to get out of something completely different.

But I couldn't talk about her. It just made me too angry. It wouldn't be a problem to grab her and just not let go, I could force her to stay with me. Maybe part of me even wanted that. However, there was another, much larger part of me that was just desperate because Lisa would never feel the same way I did.

Oh God, I could kill the universe for doing this to me.

Since I just kept silent, my father started talking again.

"I was inside the house with Wendy right after you left..."

"...she said that a vampire was here." He finished his sentence and got to the real reason of this conversation. I wasn't sure if that was a statement or a question, but one thing was certain, he wanted an explanation.

I sighed and tilted my head back for a moment before looking at him and speaking slightly provocatively. "She's actually a half-vampire, just so."

My dad struggled with his composure before uttering in a dangerously low voice. "I really don't give a damn, now tell me who she is and what you have to do with her."

I knew there was no point in keeping it a secret anymore.

"Her name is Lisa and she's my mate."

With those words and one last look at my father's shocked face, I transformed into my wolf form and ran away.


A/N: Jennie's first POV :D

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