Chapter 27

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I just nodded, nothing to add to that. She was right. We had to talk about what had happened.

Arrived at the house we got out and walked together to my apartment.

"It is beautiful here." Jennie said as we stood in the living room. She looked around with interest. "It just seems so... lonely."

I smiled lightly at her. "It has never mattered to me to be alone so far."

"So far?" She asked promptly, raising one eyebrow.

I bit my lower lip, actually I wanted to leave that out.

"Well, lately I prefer it when someone's around... when you're around." I mumbled incomprehensibly and looked at the floor. Still, I could imagine her grinning crookedly at me.

"I think almost everyone prefers my presence to being alone." She swaggered conceitedly, causing me to look up again unintentionally. There was a sparkle in her eyes, which made me realize how much she liked this.

"Dumbass." I replied, slapping her on her muscled arm. Even for a werewolf she was incredibly well built with her perfect shoulders and muscular body.

I was snapped out of my crush as Jennie yanked me off the floor and just dumped me on the couch next to us.

"Hey!" I complained loudly when she then half threw herself on me, laughing.

The moment I actually wanted to push her off the sofa and off me, I met her eyes and realized how close we were. The mood suddenly changed, which she also noticed. Jennie reached up and stroked my face lightly, her fingers barely touching me and yet my heart rate tripled.

Completely unprepared, the memory of her screaming while I was on the blood frenzy popped into my mind's eye and a shiver went through me. I couldn't do this, not as long as I had no idea what had happened to her.

"What... what happened to you the moment I bit you?" It finally escaped my mouth unintentionally.

Her features twisted slightly, as if she was in pain, at the thought of earlier and I already regretted my words.

Since she still hadn't said anything after a few minutes, I assumed that she probably didn't want to answer me. I was just contemplating how to change the subject when she started talking.

"It was like... like in a dream. I was standing on a cliff and then I saw you. You were sad, even more than that. You were devastated. You asked me why I didn't protect you and that you needed me... I wanted to hug and comfort you, but I was frozen and then all of a sudden you just ran and threw yourself down the abyss. You killed yourself and I could only watch helplessly. " She spoke so softly that it was barely more than a breath. "You have no idea how painful the thought of losing you was and how relieved I was to realize I hadn't."

As she talked, tears welled up in my eyes and she wrapped her arms tighter around me.

"You screamed in pain." I whispered and with a questioning undertone. I couldn't believe my death could make her cry out in agony like that.

"You are my mate, my Luna. Without you my life would be..." She let the sentence hang in the air, but I understood what she meant only too well. If I only imagined what it would be like if she were no longer with me, I wished for the emptiness that ruled my life before her.

I gently placed my lips on hers, she needed me now and I need her. She made me forget what I did to her, cured me of this vile lust for blood. Her lips were so soft and I only allowed her tongue to enter my mouth. I turned us around with a pull so that I was sitting astride her. She had one hand buried in my hair while the other slowly slipped under my shirt. At the touch of her rough fingers on my skin, I had to moan softly. She grinned into our kiss.

I proceeded to unbutton her short-sleeved black shirt, tracing her muscles, immersed in the feel of her skin beneath my fingers. I felt the scar on her side. I noticed that I still hadn't asked her where she got it from, but at the moment I clearly had other things on my mind.

I parted my lips from her briefly only to continue on her neck. My head wandered down to her shoulder, trying to ignore her throbbing jugular vein. At the moment I wasn't thirsty, which is why I managed reasonably well. I ran down her chest to her six-pack abs, kissing her skin lightly as a feather. Eventually she seemed to have had enough of it, and before I could realize it, she had pulled me back up to her and turned us so that she was back on top. Desiring, she pressed her lips to mine.

"It's actually not how I imagined our reunion to be, but it's nice to see that you've... settled in here." A voice sounded above us out of nowhere.

Jennie and I jerked apart, and even though I knew who was speaking from the first word, it took my breath away to see him standing there.

My father actually came.

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