Chapter 9

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I couldn't speak from the shock. Did she really just offer me her blood?

My thoughts raced. On the one hand I had imagined how your blood would taste since the first meeting, but on the other hand I had no idea what kind of side effects it had on those involved. After that it will kill her and her entire pack will be after me to avenge her.

Was her blood really worth such a risk?

"Jen... I don't think you thought that through properly. You are a werewolf, your blood could affect me or you completely differently." I explained.

After she hadn't said anything for a while and just looked at me dejectedly, I said goodbye. "I'll see you at school tomorrow and don't worry I'll try to keep myself under control. Only packaged blood, no more fresh."

Jennie hesitated, then said goodbye too. I ran out of the room and down the stairs until I got into the living room from earlier. Only the old man and Jeongyeon were sitting there now. Blondie was gone.

I turned to Jeongyeon. "Can you tell me where Jisoo is?" I asked.

"She went outside, but if you need someone to drive you back, I'm always ready." She replied enthusiastically.

For a brief moment I was confused, compared to before she seemed so different. Was that due to the absence of the bitchy blonde?

I nodded and she stood up smiling broadly, we left the house together.

As soon as I closed the passenger door, Jeongyeon's mouth opened.

"So what's going on between you and the almost-alpha now?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Nothing, as you may know, vampires don't take it easy when it comes to feelings."

"Oh, you'll get that, don't worry." She gave me a conspiratorial wink and laughed.

To distract from me and my situation, I asked her. "And who was the blond girl when I arrived?"

"My mate, Nayeon."

"Oh." To be honest I didn't really like her, but what did that mean, she hadn't actually done anything to me.

"Yes, I met her about half a year ago, it may not come across that way sometimes, but she can be really nice when she wants to."

The rest of the ride was silent except for the one time she asked me for my address and gave it to her. When we arrived at my apartment, we said goodbye.

"Oh and Lisa," She called out to me as I was about to open the front door. "I really hope the relationship between you and Jen will work out soon."

I turned around again and thought about saying something else, but then I didn't. Instead, I just turned around and walked into the house.

I spent the rest of the afternoon, actually evening, doing my homework and tidying up a bit, although it wasn't that dirty. I could feel the effects of Eric's blood slowly wearing off, even if they weren't completely gone. The thought of blood reminded me of something. I went downstairs and looked in the fridge. There were three bags left.

I wasn't hungry at the moment, but it would come back soon.

For this reason, at eight o'clock in the evening, I set off for the hospital with an empty backpack. It was just getting dark when I walked the streets to the bus stop. Of course it wasn't ideal to take the bus to pick up the blood, but my car was still in the school parking lot. In the bus, all eyes were on me, perfection was something beautiful, something admirable for people, but actually it only testified to one thing and that was inhumanity.


In the hospital, I went straight to room 332 on the second floor. A certain Mr. Meyer worked here in the autopsy area. He checked the cause of death of the corpses, taking them apart piece by piece if necessary.

I knocked on his door. A nondescript but flawless man with half-length blond hair and solid black eyes appeared in front of me.

"Lisa." He greets me blankly.

"Mr. Meyer, I think you know why I came here." I said, getting to the point quickly.

He just nodded and then stepped aside so I could go inside. On the table in the middle lay a properly cut open corpse and various tools for this type of work.

"I'll be right back. Don't touch anything." He ordered before leaving the room.

He was a vampire. And if anyone is now wondering how he managed to work in the hospital and be able to withstand the constant smell of blood and death without draining the patients himself. Then the answer is very simple, because that was because he wasn't just a vampire. He was more than that. He was stronger and faster than a vampire or half-vampire could ever be.

Mr. Meyer, the guy who reserved blood for me and probably most other vampires in town, was a hybrid. A creature that was half vampire and half werewolf.

Vamp Mate | jenlisaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang