Chapter 22

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I woke up to a burning, painful heat in my throat. My feelings were noticeably more extreme than I would have thought. Ever since I drank from Jennie they had been decreasing, but now they were intense again. Was that because of her identification on me?

I couldn't elaborate further on my assumptions, because at that moment I noticed how Jennie, whom I hadn't noticed for some reason, turned so that she was half lying on me. Her neck right next to my head and immediately I was again aware of this terrible burning sensation in my throat. I didn't understand all that, it wasn't as if I hadn't had anything to drink for weeks and I could almost feel her blood pulsing. How good and pure it smelled. I had always reacted to her blood and the blood of others, being a vampire after all, but this attraction was new and it frightened me.

Before I could do anything terrible, like rip her throat open, I got up. I had to get out of here, the urge to attack her grew stronger by the second, meanwhile the irresistible scent of her blood filled the whole room.

I went to her closet and got some clothes from her to wear. When I was dressed, I ran out of the room. After leaving the room, I slumped against the wall. I had a little more control over myself and I could breathe deeply.

Since when did I want to attack Jennie? Shouldn't the bite, on her part, do the complete opposite, making me feel attracted to her? Would it always be like this from now on and did it mean that I was never allowed to get too close to her again?

The questions literally tumbled in my head and my fear increased with each one. I didn't want to and couldn't stay away from my mate for long. Crazy considering how much I resisted her at first. With a heavy heart I realized that despite everything I had to try, I had to stay away from her and for her own sake. Until I had restrained myself. But I had to go now, before I could change my mind and especially before Jennie woke up.

It was dark in the house, I didn't meet a soul, I would have liked to have looked at the clock on my cell phone, but I hadn't seen it since I woke up. Finally, I discovered a clock in the living room, slightly hidden behind the window curtain, and saw that it was around two o'clock in the morning, which explained the silence.

As I walked toward the front door, down the hall, I saw a bowl full of keys that I'd noticed before but never thought about. Now I realized that each key was labeled. I discovered the keys to several jeeps, off-roaders and one or the other slightly fancier car. I also found three or four motorcycle keys, one of which I grabbed and ran out.

After trying out the different bikes and finding the right one, I got on and drove off. My driving skills were limited as I didn't own one and only occasionally borrowed the bike from my dad.

I got out of the woods just fine, staying on the outskirts of town where there weren't many people, so I wasn't noticeable in my dress. I was just turning onto a path when a young man was crossing the street, lost in my thoughts I turned in too late and saw the pedestrian fall. Did I run over him?

From the smell of blood, at least I'd hurt him. I immediately stopped and ran to him. I knelt in front of him.

"Are you all right? Are you hurt?" I asked and I was overcome by a wave of guilt that I was familiar with by now.

"Everything is fine, just a few scratches." The guy around 25 answered and sat up.

"I'm terribly sorry." I apologized, my eyes searching him. He had multiple abrasions and a minor head injury. "Shall I take you to the hospital?"

At least I owed him that, but he shook his head. He tried to get up, but he staggered and almost fell if I hadn't grabbed him. The sudden closeness to him and thus also the closeness to his blood intoxicated me. I had to get Jennie out of my head, be able to stand being near him without pouncing on him and at that moment the only option I could think of was to drink this guy's blood. I needed something good, nothing was as good as Jennie but this random man was definitely better than a blood bag. I sighed and looked at my victim with a rueful look.

'I'm sorry.' I mouthed silently, only to lean forward and bury my pointy canines in his yielding skin.

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