Chapter 13

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A damn angry Jennie pierced me with her gaze while her hand still clutched my wrist. And while it was totally inappropriate in this situation, I couldn't help but notice that the black shirt she was wearing, with the top buttons unbuttoned, looked damn good.

"What the hell was the shit about?" She yelled angrily, her eyes flashing dangerously.

I had no idea how to answer that. I started hesitantly. "I dont know. I didn't mean to, but suddenly this guy was there and-

"Got it." She interrupted, still irritated. "Do you still have anything in the club, cell phone, bag or something?"

"My bag."

She nods and walks back into the building. A short time later she came back with it.

"Come on, my car is over there." She said as she stood next to me again. When she saw my confused expression, she added. "You are coming with me."

Since I didn't think it advisable to contradict her at the moment, I followed her to her car. She held the door open for me, then walked around the car and finally drove off.

After a few minutes of silence, I decided to break the silence as I was genuinely interested in what she was doing in the place. In addition, at the very moment when I almost violated my intention.

"How come you were at the club too?"

For a while nothing came from her and I thought she wouldn't answer, but then she said. "My sister saw you and told me that you were there."

"Your sister?"

"Yes, her name is Krystal and she is two years older than me." She replied.

"She found her mate a while ago. And had joined his pack too, but recently it was attacked and he died."

"What did she do then?"

"She is back in our pack, but she's not who she was before."

I didn't know what to answer to that. I noticed that it wasn't easy for her to talk about it, but I just couldn't feel anything. I didn't care how she or her sister was feeling about it, and yet I knew I should care.

We didn't say anything for the rest of the ride until we finally stopped in front of the pack house. Together we ran inside, where luckily everyone was already asleep. When we got to her room, the same one I was in yesterday, I suddenly realized something.

"Am I supposed to sleep here?"

She just nodded and I asked again. "Why?"

She slowly raised one of her eyebrows. "So I can make sure that you don't suck off the next best guy who comes across you." She then said and I thought I heard a slightly amused undertone in her voice.

I rolled my eyes. "If you insist."

Suddenly she raised her hands and began to unbutton her shirt. I watched her a bit perplexed until she had undressed completely and threw it at me. Her only in bra? Nice.

"What am I supposed to do with that?"

"Sleep in it. I don't think the dress is anything particularly comfortable."

Actually, I didn't really care what I slept in, but she was probably right. Someone really doesn't normally sleep in something like that. In the meantime she had also got rid of her jeans and threw herself on the bed, barely clothed.

"Will you show me the bathroom to change or should I do it here?" I asked provocatively.

She froze while her gaze wandered over my body. Her eyes got even darker if possible.

Since she didn't answer, I grinned wickedly and said. "Your time is up, sorry."

With that said, I turned and found two doors, presumably one leading to the bathroom and the other to a closet or something. I opened the first one and it actually turned out to be bathroom. I quickly went in and closed the door, leaving a small gap open. I exchanged my dress for her shirt. Of course I left my underwear on. Back in the room, I sat down on the bed with Jennie still lying on it, leaning against the edge of the bed.

I looked at her. She had lots of muscle and perfect shoulders, but what I found much more interesting was a large, wide scar that ran down her right side. I considered asking her where she got it from, but then didn't. I looked into her eyes and Jennie started to speak. But what was unexpected were her words.

"Lili... Lisa, I meant it yesterday. I think you should try it. Drink my blood and not some guy's blood you've never met." Jennie snapped me out of my thoughts. "Werewolves bite their mate to mark them, so why not bite me too?"

I wanted to turn it down like yesterday, but to be honest I was pretty thirsty. What little I drank earlier hadn't remotely sated my hunger.

Jennie came closer to me. "Come on, you want it. I'm offering it to you."

I still didn't respond. Suddenly she started to grin dirtily and before I could realize what was happening, she had wrapped her arms around me and pulled me astride her lap. My breath caught from the unexpected closeness. I put my fingers gently on her carotid artery so as not to see it. Because the sight didn't exactly make me keep myself in check. However, when my fingers touched her neck, I realized my mistake. Feeling how fast her pulse was going, didn't calm me down at all. I couldn't help but have images popping up in my head as I drank from her, her blood running down my throat.

I have never desired a person's blood so much as in this moment. I couldn't help it and with one last look into Jennie's eyes, I leaned down and bit her jugular. Her blood flowed into my mouth and I had to moan softly with relief. I realized that I couldn't have endured a moment without her, without her blood.

But little by little, the more I drank from it, I became aware of one more thing with increasing certainty: I got them back. They accumulated inside me and became more and more by the second.

Until they hit me with full force.

My feelings were back and they were never as intense as in that very moment.

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