George went up to the rooms and stared at rooms where Reiko and Urie had stayed. Their names on the doors were crossed out and it was covered with blood. He coldly looked at these. A part of him wanted to summon Piyol however he knew he couldn't because this was a solo task. Monsters like Piyol helping humans were restricted.

He approaches Dream.

One hour passed. The body was still not found.

George stayed in his room for the next five minutes after it was finally night time. A screen popped up in front of him that got him goosebumps. He started to pull out the squid ink and walked towards the door.

『 Experienced player 404. Please leave the room and face the night 』


The door opened with a simple turn of a knob unlike usual when he tries to escape. He opened the door and walked out his room that shut behind him. He tries to open his room but it was locked. With his free hand, he grips the flashlight and looks around. When he reaches the second floor in the throne room. He meets Henry.

"You got sent down too?" Henry asked with a calm face and George only looks at him coldly. Another player pops up and it was Kaili. The three all gather together and George raises his hands as he got closer to them. He puts them down and slowly looks around. Kaili spoke, "We should split. That's better than getting killed all together" she mumbled.

Henry nodded and started to get to the kitchen where the storage room was also close by. George went towards the small corridor down stairs. His fingers lands on the flashlight in his spatial coat. He carefully starts to look for the other bodies. He slowly started to go up the stairs towards the library.

He walked through the halls and passed down the rooms. His gaze landed on Dream's. He shook his head and walked towards the library. He carefully opened the door and saw the books that was laid everywhere. He pulled out a match and grabbed an unlit candle up and lighted that up. George looked very gloomy as he only explored.

He grabbed a book from the shelf that had a plain dark blue cover. He placed the candle on the empty part of the shelf on his eye level and tried to open the book. George stood quietly, "..." The book was empty when he had opened the book. He frowned and started to walk towards the upper area of the library. Arriving on top of the stairs, he could see the outside.

He tried to smash the window with his bear fisted hands however it did not even shake. The window was like metal when his fist slammed to it. The only thing he could do was take a nice view of the outside. Arriving up stairs on the third floor. He could see another huge door. He walked towards the door and pushed it open.

He pushed the door open while holding the handle of the small candle and was met by another marvelous living room made out of expensive gold, curtains and marble floor. George's face shifted to the side along with the candle. A sudden face was seen under the sunken yellow light of the candle.

George was silent however he was not surprised. "You walk very silently." He had already felt the presence of someone watching him however he could not determine where it came from.

Kaili laughed lightly and picked up a glass bottled wine from beside and expected it. "Do you think I'm the ghost because of that? Ghosts do not make sounds after all" she mumbled and placed the glass bottle back at the small table against the wall. George stared at her before starting to frown.

Kaili was one of the quiet people however she was also participative when it came to serious topics. George held his candle with one hand before speaking. "Do you have any idea who the monster is?" He asked while looking around the library with Kaili eleven meters behind him.

They slowly arrived at the storage area somehow. Kaili followed George with a calm gaze. When they arrived, the body had already disappeared. George crouched down at the floor and the light lit up the wood. There was a dark trace and George touched this. It was barely noticeable however he could feel that it was wet.

George asked carefully, "Where is he?" He asked Kaili. Of course, she already knew what he meant.

Her dark black eyes shone when the candle was moved when George faced her. "I only followed you. I didn't see him. You should know that." She spoke while hiding her fingers stealthily while her hand was still appearing in George's vision.

While George held the candle, his lips lightly curved. "Did you both cooperate to.." he mumbled while standing up but then it wasn't finished when the candle got blown off turning the place dark because of a dart that flew across the small fire. The only source of light was the red light from the sky outside.

George stood up from the floor and carefully analyzed Kaili. Kaili started to show her evil snake-like smile. "Keep your questions in that mind of yours. You'll die anyways." Her nails started shoot towards George. They were similar to George's claw nail ability however her tips were more sharper like needles. George used his time warp ability and stopped these needles.

He stared at Kaili who was starting to tackle at him. Her nails were flat as she tried to hit George in the temple, stomach and torso. The spots that were normally sensitive to punches. George could not block them as her moved were fast. He struggled for a while before re retrieving his sword as it was useless. He started to use his electricity ability.

Kaili was fast as she attacked from all angles. George blocked the sixth hit with his left hand and avoided the sharp needle like nails and pointed his finger at Kassie's arm. A line of electricity shot through her skin and she immediately got electrocuted. "Ugh" she backed away and George looked at himself and could see that he was perfectly fine. Kaili started to grin coldly, "That coat of yours saved your life" she said.

George knew exactly what she hid her nails. That was why he made sure to keep the coat to keep his skin protected. "You and that old man are cooperating right? You plan to kill all members to make get the monster. After all, killing the ghost with your own hands is the only way to know." He grinned and Kaili stared at her.

Kaili didn't speak and threw multiple punches at George. George's strength lacked as he barely was able to avoid them. He only blocked 3 out of 10. George slammed himself against the wall and wiped away the blood on his lips. He panted as his temples started to get wet. "That's right. And I think you're the monster. You have all these abilities and only monsters get those" Kaili grinned and tackled towards George again.

She pointed her needle like nails at George's neck and George quickly blocked that off. He used his invisibility and hid his presence. This was no time to hide his abilities. He used his super speed ability and went behind the confused Kaili. "Fuck!" She swore and George used all his remaining strength to throw a kick at Kaili's spine.

She fell to the ground and coughed up blood not worse than George. It was because George was also coughing up blood. "My damn ability get rids of all your blood. That's why you're in that condition. Sooner or later you'll die" Kaili grinned and George only looked at her calmly. Unexpectedly, she grabbed a hidden dagger and aimed it at George's chest.

In that exact moment, George had already thrusted his sword in her head. The dagger that was supposed to pierce through his chest was blocked by the coat he was wearing. George panted and his face was covered in sweat. He grabbed some healing potions Kassie gave her and drank that. "Thanks" he mumbled to nobody but it was supposed to he for Kassie.

His body started to go normal but that didn't stop him from breathing heavily. He looked down at the ground.

Urie's body was ground was gone. Kaili's body was replaced by it.

Author's note:

Hi.. I cant post for the next two weeks. Once agajn because of exams. Come back in March 4, 2023. Two chaoters shall be posted in that date.

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