Chapter 20

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An hour ago in the last room. George had killed two people in total. Meaning he had now gotten two abilities all at once. There was also a reason why he didn't let Nick kill the last remaining one who killed Jake. The reason for that was simple. So he could get another ability.

George pressed his ring while he was inside the car in front of the gym where he had not entered yet today in the night.

[Player name : Ian]
[Code name : Quanda

[Category: Ordinary level 30]

[Ability: Double the person with mirages]

[New owner: 404]

[This ability lets a player create mirages of him or herself to trick players. Mirages can be used to attack any player from behind. They can fight for the user and disappear anytime when attacked]

[Restrictions for 404: As of 404's new current level. He can use the ability three times every 24 hours. Every time he uses the ability he can summon ten mirages at a time]

George had noticed something when it came to abilities that he had gotten. The stronger and more powerful the abilities the more restrictions they had. Sometimes they even come with effects that make George hesitate to use them. For example, his super-speed ability lowers his stamina and strength for thirty seconds after use.

Compared to other abilities that could be used ten times or more. This only had three uses every day. George would have to save them for useful reasons since this ability was beyond his expectations and seemed to be useful. He next checked his other ability.

[Player name : Linda]
[Code name : Lisinda]

[Category: Starter level 19]

[Ability: Let the fox fall onto the wrong road]

[New owner: 404]

[This ability lets a player gift someone with incredible bad luck ]

[Restrictions for 404: As of 404's current ability. He could use it two times a day without any effects whatsoever]

George wasn't surprised when he saw the level.  However, he was stunned when he saw the ability of this girl. He now understood what happened to Jake and Linda when they were fighting. Jake depended on his strength while this girl depended on her ability. If this girl didn't use her ability. There was a 80 percent chance of her dying.

Her ability was to give incredible bad luck to her opponents. So while fighting this girl probably casted the unlucky spell. That was why she won against Jake. But she also relied too much on her ability to be able to dodge the attack George did using his opponents' ninja star.

George thought that he could use this ability when he was running out of luck. He pushed the door open and was met Wilbur who reading some files and Kassie who was making different types of potions. "George!" Kassie exclaimed dropping her bottle on the table and running towards the brunette.

George calmly placed his bag on the table beside and glared at Wilbur and saw him take off his glasses. He looked down at Kassie, "You made more potions?" He asked while his head tilted glaring at the potions.

Kassie nodded grinning, "Yeah! I upgraded my level to 29 and I was able to evolve my ability too! I can make more effective healing portions, dangerous poison, and stamina boosters! I could also increase my own strength!" She exclaimed showing him the new potions.

George smiled. In just two days he was surprised that this girl was able to get to level 29. Wilbur sat on the couch, "She's probably ready for door two" he said.

George nodded, "Yes she probably is and with her intelligence and potions. She'll be able to defeat the main game in no time," he said calmly and leaned against the door frame.

Wilbur nodded and placed his notebook on his lap clicking his pen. "So what happened back there?" He asked and George's lips curved upwards and told him every last bit of information. He told him how it started, how many players were there and how the game was played, and how he defeated it.

Kassie also listened to the conversation carefully knowing she would have to defeat the game in a few weeks or so. George swallowed a sigh and took out a card that Nick had given to him and showed it to Kassie and Wilbur. "I was invited to E 30th Street. South East. It's somehow a strong organization with strong people" he said and Wilbur looked at it calmly.

Kassie read the next line, "Find the white mansion?" She mumbled questionably looking at George.

George frowned, "To get there I'll have to drive two hours southeast here. The street is pretty far away based on my calculations. And I do want some information so I'll go," he said.

Kassie suddenly flinched when George said the word 'I'. She coughed, "Ahem? We'll go! I'm coming with you George. No way I'm leaving you! I can't bare with the child!" She exclaimed.

Tommy immediately looked at her furiously, "Hey! I am not a child!" He huffed crossing his arms and continued to play with bees with Toby.

Wilbur shook his head, "I also believe that Kassie should go. This way she can also upgrade her ability somehow while your trip there" he said and Kassie nodded.

George looked at Kassie and sighed, "Alright, you can come with me. Tomorrow at exactly seven am we'll be leaving here. Is that okay with you Wilbur?" He asked Wilbur turning his head to the British man. Wilbur immediately grinned nodding his look telling, 'Why not?'.

A few moments later Wilbur noted every last bit of information he got and got back to his seat. George sat on the seat and grabbed his water bottle drinking half of it. "George what the fuck is that?!" Kassie screamed angrily pointing at his shoulder where George got stabbed.

George blinked confused looked at his shoulder calmly and noticed he was still injured. "Heal heal heal!" Kassie panicked grabbing a bottle of healing potion and pouring it all over George's shoulder. He smiled a little bit when he saw how panicked the kid looked.

There was a hint of maturity in her voice. For a teenage girl like her. Eliminate must have affected her mind making her more mature for her age even if she sounds mindless. She still could care for others. George frowned when he remembered this girl had a brother.

He wondered if this girl's brother was still alive.

Meanwhile, Nick was walking across the streets with his friend the tension between the two was normal. "Why did you invite that boy to our organization?" His friend asked and Nick grinned.

Nick, "He's not a boy. He's a man dude!" Nick said nudging his friend's shoulder who blinked. His friend looked at him confused leaning against the wall with his arms against the concrete.

Nick continued, "That man saved me two times and he hasn't even used his powers yet. Well, I didn't see him use his ability but he's already strong. Smart too. You know I really wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him!" He said and his friend laughed lowly.

"I guess we'll need more recruits. The boss will probably thank him for saving you. You know how nice he is" his friend chuckled while Nick gave him a thumbs up running through the streets while he kept telling stories about the one who saved him.

Author's note:

I am sure that everyone here already knows the news. If you don't well... Technoblade is no longer alive in this world.

"Technoblade never dies!" That is the line we will never forget and the blood God will never be forgotten.

Rest in peace Alex

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